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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Damn that means your already in Argate, there was one when you went back to Tarzan after fighting Noel, if you have a compound thief/cover team on route 3 in the caves you can find Magnemites with them, I unfortunately don't have anymore
  2. Yes will be there in Neo reborn as well
  3. First of all wrong section, to ask for anything to be traded to you it's supposed to be in Online section, secondly how far are you you might be able just to pick one up
  4. It was altered slightly it now needs to be rainy all the way through
  5. okay, have a good night/day then
  6. You sure you don't want to keep it was more expecting a random IV pokemon, tbh I would prefer a bad pokemon so when I erase the file I won't feel bad
  7. I'll request, let me know when ready
  8. Alright give me a minute an I'll give you one then What's your user I'll request
  9. Hopefully you like it, figured u would prefer an egg
  10. What Timezone are you compared to Brazil it might just be a timing issue
  11. If you still want a regular horsea I wouldn't mind sending you one though
  12. Robrigomob has offered on so Private Message them
  13. Ah, sorry, I could breed Horsea but it would have a low chance of being shiny and I have no interest ins saving before hatching each egg sorry
  14. Which mountains have you gotten for, Horsea shows up in a couple of them
  15. Wierd, did you rescue all the officers?
  16. Change the name to closed by editing the first post you made
  17. If you think that'll help at all Dunsparce can be found under the grand staircase if you talk to the officer right by them he'll let you in under
  18. Soul candle and ill fated dolls, anything you can buy for held items, couple data chips anything else to summon pokemon you might want
  19. Venipede 25 (1 Def) Surprise tree attacks Beldum 5 (1 Def) 10 badges, data chip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSbFaLWe08g&t=78s Misdravus 38 Defeat Medicham 65? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5qwRFcEv4g Squirtle 30 (1 Def) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX1-98XmWQk&t=611s @24 Min mark, MUST BE RAINY ALL the way through now Solosis technically though you need to get 8th gyms special key Spiritomb 40 (1 Def, 1 Sp Def) resurrection place I am currently working on one though it's not complete http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/42836-void-kissed-pokemon-location-guide/ Gastly was moved a few episodes back but now can be found on rt 4 as a static encounter Rock smashing has a chance of getting Nincada
  20. might have crashed again will wait a couple minutes more to see you or me requesting this time? Thank you and enjoy your ground plate
  21. Let's try again, mine crashed and is't showing your team, you request this time User is Snorlax
  22. Same thing as in let me know when waiting so you can get Noibat back
  23. Yeah, let me know when waiting
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