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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Ah okay, unfortunately I only have lvl 1's in that aspect so I was gonna say you can get them in the 30's in game
  2. Where you at cause the three elemental monkeys can learn those for grabbing items off Indra
  3. yeah, but first come first serve So Kamu has priority sides I would have to breed one
  4. @Kamu seems to be working now if it doesn't work when you two try again let me know
  5. who me mine is @Starry Knight my title is Duke I'll request your user is Anime Tiddies correct?
  6. @Seannn well it might have, you wanna try with me if that's alright with @Kamu
  7. @Seannn post in the online troubleshooting section, have Tynamo ready for you as well it's an adamant one
  8. just wait for her to reply in her own time she was mentioned no need to spam her notification thing, she might have just needed to use the facilities and isn't back yet or laptop died in middle of breeding and it's taking it's sweet time rebooting Kamu If you have not gotten around to Tynamo I can try for one if you wish
  9. @Kamu Seannn is attempting to get your attention @Seannn Try tagging or quoting it works 100% better
  10. I'm not entirely sure posting here is in the correct area if not your welcome to move it Hi Does anyone know how to check mystery egg and event related information?
  11. it has a good mix of both special and physical attacks what do you plan on using it for?
  12. Please try to keep to one open thread at a time though plus attack or Sp attack minus seed or any one of the defences would be good as the attack and sp attack are fairly close in the final evolution
  13. User/saved games/ Pokemon reborn is where it needs to be.
  14. @Greyman alright have fun try tagging or quoting it lets the ones your responding to see it quicker just for future reference
  15. was so excited just spent better part of three hours soft resetting for a shiny poiple but it had abysmal IVs so I was going to swap a pair of them then realized I couldn't How are things progressing with the mod to update it to episode 18? Super excited to see it
  16. give me a couple minutes about to give up soft resetting for a bit but I'll request mine seems to like that better Okay ready to trade what's your user?
  17. usually this one or it was in the fishermans pool house
  18. I have a few 6IV ditto that have been created using sandbox mode if you would like one
  19. They are in the grass
  20. @Greyman I have a ralts you can have male or female, they are freshly hatched (lvl 1)
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