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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Give me a few have a couple other trades to finish first
  2. Alright, I have it ready just trying to tie up anther trade
  3. so the missing one should be defence then so you have a pefect one in SP Def?
  4. sorry notification thing just rang a regular one is fine, just looking for the dex entry would you prefer a squirtle with def or Sp Def as the missing IV
  5. would you happen to have a hippo? a carnivine or a mantyke?
  6. I don't particularly care what I receive in return, something releasable is preferred if you wish to give me something of use then please attach something I can sell for breeding things for others or a spare iron or the likes so I can use it to speed up EV training WHat is your user for trading I will request
  7. Are you still on if so I have one you can have
  8. I know where to catch some of these if that would help along with being able to give you a couple of them
  9. Give me a couple minutes and I'll be on have to noot up laptop, what's your user I'll request
  10. I have a razor claw they can have, though my sneasil would be lvl 1
  11. If your guys timezones don't mesh too well and by Monday haven't gotten to trade I will send one their way
  12. Servers are back up and running would you prefer an egg or a hatched gastly?
  13. Servers are back up I can get a growlithe for them as well if you want me to
  14. I could use my shared box if need be, just have to clear out last box should there be anything in it, I can breed the Zubat easily enough, was rather hoping to have servers back up soon Servers are back up XD
  15. servers are down, unknown how long they will be down as it's just over 2 full days they've been out
  16. @Mythorias if you want I can give you a Omanyte or attempt to see if I have a spare helix fossil for you
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