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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Currently online is down, I'm unsure when it will be back up just as a heads up, it has been down for a couple days now
  2. Is online back up about half an hour ago it wasn't working I gave them one using my sandbox mode though through PM
  3. No actually wasn't mentioning ghost I was talking about vivion the reborn shiny form that is shedinja is a possessed pokeball or at least to my theory it is
  4. That's the idea XD, have a good mix of things to randomly give out now to deciede if WT event or a blind pick giveaway
  5. No problem, I added some non ghosts myself gonna do a bunny girl, Harelquin, a ninja, a possesed moth?, a werecat (Skunk), a fiery witch, a costrume changing dog/bird, a werewolf, A princess/Knight an owl, three different types of spiders, a mermaid, a masked hero (Hawlucha) a pop star, Minior B, geishas was think of adding some wrestling costumes, a hell bound, scorpions, Luxray shiny, a parrot from a pirate and an angel of disaster what are your thoughts on them? and a couple other ones I miseed
  6. I intend to do so I have a bunch of black cats and bats ready but for ghosts I was wondering if I should do a couple of all them or just the main typing ghosts
  7. I sent a PM with the info lets talk from there
  8. It's a stand alone mod that allows you to do stuff you would normally not be able to do, like generate mythics or get items like gengarite that aren't accessable in game in this case buy a Lucky egg. it adds an extra map to the grand hall to which has all the resources
  9. damn so far away from it I have anther option
  10. how far are you, ypu might be able just to pick up a second well hidden one, Online servers are down right now
  11. Do you guys think all ghost types or just those with the main typing?
  12. I'll try again in a bit @jo_lo29 the situation hasn't changed I tried about 30 minutes ago if it isn't back on tomorrow send me your file using personal messanger and I'll use my mod to transfer one to you. If it comes to that please have the last box in your PC clear of all Pokemon just in case
  13. perhaps if you can in about 5h? that would mean 9pm where I am
  14. they unfortuneatly stopped working last night so idk if they will be back up anytime soon as they currently still aren't
  15. breeding part is done the online servers needed to do the trade is currently not functioning properly
  16. Will do, trying to WT a few breedjects away cause I didn't want to release them so I've been trying just let me know when you log off for the day depending on when servers are up it could be awhile I have a gastly readily avaiable however the servers are down sadly
  17. Servers are down right now but I'll keep a gastly aside for you your topic was moved by an admin to the correct area for future reference tho
  18. It is possible to get gastly last I heard from mystery egg after Amarias gym it's now possible to catch one in the wild
  19. Gen 1 Stage 1 Pikachu as you start out with one in special Yellow fell in love with it during anime episodes and it has cute interactions Stage 2 Wartortle love the fluffy tail, very cute Pokemon in general, Blastoise is too bulky looking for personal tastes tho Squirtle is cute as well Stage 3 Charizard more due to looks then practical use especially with mega evolutions, overall found the gen 1 starter final forms to be bulky Gen 2 Cindaquil plain adoreble Croconaw Looks Meagnamium use feraligator or typlosion Gen 3 Mudkip Grovyle (Fell in love with it during the Pokemon mystery dungeon series) Design sceptile use swampart Gen 4 Piplup None Tie between torterra and infernape Gen 5 Snivy Dewott Emboar Gen 6 Fenniken line hands down favourite starter ever.... I love foxes fenniken looks fairly similar to a fennec fox so I fell in love with the line immeaditly Gen 7 Litten Brionne Decidueye
  20. Glass factory talk to everyone in the lower rooms
  21. the easiest to do is climbing from Argate City, there's a rock climb spot right by an apartment like building go up it and the 2? waterfalls and there should be a bit of grass it's a rareish encounter but thats the spot most people like
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