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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Okay, have a good time GL with your run
  2. Are you sure you don't want to keep it?
  3. Sorry a friend came over and helped me make a resume you still on?
  4. It will be random, I won't guarantee it but it will be at least 5IVs, remember baby pokemon cannot breed Please tag or quote me
  5. Yes you could also take the pokemon I give you and breed an egg from it as an alternative cause it will be random natured
  6. Which one are you trying to breed Perish song into? I might have one
  7. Abomasite: Ametrine Mountain B3F, start by reaching Ametrine F1 by climbing up the Waterfall in Celestine F1 (Celestine Cascade entrance) or jumping the ledge and climbing down the Waterfall in Ametrine F2 (Calcenon/Route 3 and Route 2 entrance), open the ice-Strength puzzle by pushing the boulder from one side of the Waterfall and going through the path from the other, go through the Dive spot and through the cave opening at the right (surf over it downwards), resurface to B1F and go to the left in the ice skating puzzle, go into the Dive spot and through the cave opening at the low left into B2F (the Lapras location), go through another cave opening at the bottom left to B3F and find it next to the X Door at the left Audinite Azurine cave - requiers surf,dive, waterfall and blizzard Cameruptite Crysolia spring sauna Glalitite Azrine lake dive, S9
  8. ready for the other little blue munchkin? just something releasable
  9. Sorry ended up using facilities, I don't have anything in particular I wan something releasable is good if you wanna attach something I could sell that would also be appireiated What's your user? also will have to do Azurill seperate
  10. I sent one no responce @peden can you refresh your waiting screen? None of my requests seem to be going through @peden Enjoy the ditto
  11. I have one for you after peden
  12. Give me a moment, popped some toast down
  13. might take a nap then Tag or quote me when your done though just in case I am on
  14. I can give you Ditto currently
  15. All the ice creams have friendship raising values bluemoon maxing friendship
  16. @Saish I can give you one
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