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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. At Night after restoration in Lapis ward grass
  2. You'll have to trade for one or have someone modify it so you can continue the quest without it then, I unfortunately don't have any of them
  3. If you have the whismur from near the beginning of the game breed it and hatch the egg in episode 17 7th St
  4. Do you still have an older version?
  5. I't okay I'm not in a rush I have them all on my breeding file but when I use Shared PC it doesn't register the data in the pokedex and just too lazy to breed them all again to register them
  6. Give me a couple minutes and then I can trade them to you, if you don't mind doing me a favor I need a bulbasaur and Politoed on my main file, can I ask you to be the middle person to trade one to myself you can keep whichever you like more
  7. It's alright it happen at least this is a good comuunity
  8. What's your user I'll request when you send your user
  9. Do you want Luna/Sol as well I'm good to go now grabbed Buff trade me something releaseable, it's coming off a backup file so it will be deleted
  10. yeah, it has a specific OT give me a minute and I ca give you Igglybuff with the right OT
  11. I think Lunatone is purely an event pokemon and Jigglypuff will be found in episode 19 if you didn't catch one while doing Terra as for Happiny you can catch and breed Chansey
  12. I found mine at night in the grass of the garden in South Obsidia
  13. @Blackbeared Try uploading to troubleshooting
  14. It's possible before the last current gym leader but tough as she uses a lvl 93 water pokemon that hits like a tank and has good hp/def/sp def (Not sure which of the three off hand)
  15. Bulbasaur line, Poliwag line, Kazam/Machoke lines, Golem line anything from any of these families would be cool @The Swordsman
  16. Ah okay, I have one you can have, found it already in my crystal pouch
  17. Thank you, usually gets bugged when on alt/speed up but no to clicking outside the box while trying to trade it causes it for lack of better term
  18. If it doesn't go through this time don't worry about it Alright I set mine to wait just in case it was because we were both requesting
  19. Okay, sorry for the inconvenience
  20. Had to go back to get it, Scyther. I rerequested the trade
  21. Ops my page for some reason wasn't showing the second page
  22. Nope cause of the way I traded it to myself @GGLL Let me know when your ready
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