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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I can, have a bunch of them anyobe who wants one can PM if they want as well
  2. I have shiny ditto you can have it's originally from sandbox mode though, and your aware Type Null can't breed right?
  3. @Hesham if you could trade this person an egg I cpuldn't in the end get online play to wotk with them
  4. Yeah, I'll be back later I could try releasing a bunch into WT for you
  5. same thing do you have speed up going while trading, it's known to crash trades, also that has been a thing for a long time, don't think they can fix that, what your user thing for trade I want to try requesrting this time @GGLL Doesn't seem to wanna work with you right now
  6. It froze what's yours and I'll request this time
  7. Online and waiting, will give Azurill to the next one who forgot to pick up the sea insence
  8. If you have something in mind I can breed it for you
  9. I thought you were asking for an espurr the way it's wording and punctuation is done suggests that, I have lvl 1 pokemon or way above though
  10. I'll take Azurill then My user is Snorlax, I'll wait online for you
  11. Alright I'll request now if you don't mind
  12. Okay if you have something sellable you wouldn't mind parting with it would be appreciated but no
  13. @TheScourgeXV88 You request me keep getting doesn't exist (cause I mess it up) or not online, my User is Snorlax
  14. Just getting up but nothing in particular you still on?
  15. Make sure to lvl it up some to get past the main part of the auto learn moves at the daycare
  16. Ah okay sorry I couldn't be more help
  17. I can trade you a heart scale of you need one and you can take the one that forgot it to the relearner and remintit of the move
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