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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. That's okay didn't really want anything in particular
  2. No it's Snorlax On and waiting for request Enjoy my failed shiny new XD
  3. That's okay on waiting for the request any Pokemon will do
  4. Snorlax any evolution stones would be nice I'm on waiting
  5. I don't know what you have but I will be home in an hour then have a couple of trades to prep for but I'll keep an egg of each thing ready PM a list of Pokemon you have one of each line
  6. I can breed all the basic Pokemon after that it's taking time to evolve them might have some of the harder Pokemon to level up already evolved as well that can be mock traded
  7. Okay heading home in roughly 2hours and hopefully wifi will be back on
  8. I don't have a poiple but I might be able to help you complete the Dex quest if that works for you as like ditto you only get one not that I have bothered to get mine yet Pm with a list of what you need if your cool with me helping you with the Dex instead
  9. Will you be on in a few hours? 3 or so?
  10. I can't for awhile not home with my laptop gone to a friend's should be home in 5-7 hours though
  11. I can't trade right now at a friend's house without laptop as I said in 6-8 hours I don't need anything in particular in return but if you have an extra evolutionary item aside Happiny's one it would be appreciated @Hesham Ready when you are now sorry for the delay
  12. Starry Knight

    Chespin event

    Or take it to troubleshooting
  13. I can trade you one in 6-8h if nobody else offers one, it's originally from sandbox if that's ok with you though
  14. I can trade you one in 6-8h originally from sandbox though
  15. I can trade one in 6-8h @GGLL I'm on now if you are
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