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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Sorry just got internet back but am at a friend's house now and laptop is at home @TheScourgeXV88 if your still on just got back a couple minutes ago and wifi is up
  2. Okay, hope everything turns out decent, take the time needed to deal with the emergency and good luck
  3. I'm going to try and request again Enjoy your pokemon XD
  4. Sorry it took so long My request doesn't seem to have gone through
  5. Nope will be on soon laughing at my friend attempting a game
  6. @Zero1Six I'll take Phione if you don't mind XD
  7. Give me a few and I breed a couple for you to use will leave them as eggs though @Chosenlotion
  8. If your on when I get home I'll have Azurill, corsola and zorua for ya
  9. Something to release, have no idea will at least be four hours cause hour each way but little to do, painting a small area but it's an hour each way and have to cut grass
  10. I can give them to you assuming you don't mind a generated ditto cause that's what my 6IV one is
  11. I believe so, you have to install sandbox first then swm mod
  12. Mawile is also in the railnet as a rare encounter Drifloon and evolves form are in the grass left of Corey's gym
  13. You seem to be on around midnight I will stay up tonight for the trade then have to go to work now though
  14. They both hatched probably for the better I'm ready when you are My user is Snorlax I'll try recieving invite
  15. Did you want both cause you can get froakie from dex quest in Argate I'll request though mine doesn't like receiving the requests Also would they be fine as eggs?
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