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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I have both, just give me a few minutes and I;ll be on @Chosenlotion
  2. I can give you one, i don't need anything fancy in return, something I can release is ideal
  3. I can probably breed one with the right IVs but I won't guarantee a nature if your still on
  4. Back on sorry it took so long had to go to work
  5. Makit yes, the makit currently no, was offering to proxy since your guys time zones are pretty far appart
  6. @Blaze D. Mine EST though I am just headed to work right now
  7. LMAO just realized forgot to give u an everstone
  8. Does it matter if it was originally from Sandbox mode?
  9. No problem I try and keep up to date about event changes
  10. all of the event is now in rain
  11. @luis If you don't mind I will trade first then cause I only have one to do also ready to trade as it is @GB58 Alright
  12. No problem I'll be on agter luis and if Filthy casual shows up as well
  13. try and keep you comments together there;s a plus right beside the quote button that can be used for multiquoting
  14. I can do Azurill @Filthy Casual Ops wrong Tag, sorry Filthy Casual, though if you want one you can have one @GB58
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