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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I'll be on in about an hour or so Rayyan I will once I log on to the computer
  2. No problem, let me know when ready
  3. No I specically said no shiny pokemon and stated I would be releasing them
  4. Yes it was, will you be taking your Pokemon back? They are fully trained EV Pokemon that are shiny would feel really bad releasing them
  5. Alright I'll request @T.O.W.A.N. do you need them back?
  6. What's your user to trade? to tag Put a @ in front of the name of the person you want to tag and select them from the list tagging or quoting the person is more likely to get your reply sooner
  7. Nope, I'm good Nothing shiny or good I want to be able to release it
  8. Okay just realized I still have the mod on episode 17 so don't worry about the marill What's your ID and I'll request
  9. @T.O.W.A.N. No, would you be fine with an egg (Tag or quote me please) I have a marill I want is specific I want transferred since it's Shiny, but didn't want to mess around trying to get shared PC to work since it was giving me a couple issues and then disappeared on me
  10. Gothita event is still kinda avaiable, it still will go with you I believe I have an Azruill you can have and I can get you a Pancham in exchange can you help me transfer a single marill over to my main account?
  11. Have a good time, thanks for adopting the critters
  12. Interesting lets hope we can do last two with realitive ease
  13. Something I can release, or things I can sell to continue breeding for other things What's your user? I'll request
  14. Alright, Would you like them now or later? I can also confirm no gastly's left
  15. Sorry didn't hear it go off, you still on? Male or Female ralts?
  16. All but Gastly are still available if you wanted all or just one let me know
  17. Hope you get one idk anymore if I have one or not too many files to look in
  18. Brt I'll tag your name in an edit when ready, just about to log onto computer @jcroth ready, you on waiting screen already?
  19. Sorry I just got home and didn't have time to respond when I left home 12h ago, I will be on for a couple hours now Indeed, what time zone are you? I generally stay up to 11:30pm/12am starting at random times usually 10am though Yep will add it to Carvahna Sure no problem Yep male is no problem since there are only makes, just one item is fine
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