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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Did you want Stufful back or the canard? I have both already that are shiny
  2. Okay, well they'll still be here till October 7th @$oul Reaper tag me or quote me when your ready then
  3. Alright I'll request, will trade with Candy first Third in que so will be in a few @Candy let me know when ready
  4. Sorry didn't see reply but should have both if you want to adopt them
  5. Go ahead haven't quitr updated taken but put down what you want
  6. Sorry I'll be on tomorrow, ended up taking longer then expected
  7. Sorry didn't see reply, I'll on in a couple mins Someone just showed up randomly and reheating dinner
  8. @mayukira I can give you Azurill
  9. hold on then have a trade with Zero pending @Drak ready now, no responce when requesting, refresh the waiting?
  10. Have a good time, thanks for adopting the cute mons
  11. Alright have a single trade to do cause reborn servers ate a beldum then will trade with u
  12. make sure nothing is attached to this last one, grabbed it off a back up file @Rogamer
  13. Alright that was what I was worried about, it sent me the elektrike but beldum was lost in the abyss, give me a minute and will recover it for you
  14. do the others if they're still online first have a box of shinies you can give out, if you get any water 5IV pokemon other then what I sent you or Marill let me know though
  15. Happy Birthday, hope it was a good one

  16. @Drak what is your user and I'll request @Rogamer you still online Drak has yet to respond
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