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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. give me a minute to gather them and then we can trade will brt after Drak
  2. Enjoy the pokemon and you can keep the lucky egg
  3. Alright I'll request now then
  4. Alright just let me know when
  5. Ah, I'll set them aside as you download the public release of episode 18
  6. What's your user? I'll request assuming your online?
  7. SOmething releasable, however if you could attach something I can sell like a nugget or likewise that would be awesome
  8. I have rowlet egg ready, what do you want holding the lucky egg?
  9. I can do rowlet no problem but abilties are random, I would have to hatch the eggs to know the ability
  10. That's okay glad you got what you were looking for
  11. Still transferring files to flash drive, I don't really care about what I receive but something that has terrible IVs and your not going to use would be ideal, I'll PM you when ready
  12. If you still can't find it I have a couple boxes filled with them so PM if you don't find any but I hope you do find what your looking for
  13. something releasable is preferred
  14. Possibly, I should have an Azurill if you want that instead, since it's only used for breeding for Azurills, it will have to wait a good 10-20 mins though, transferring the reborn files back to main account since the community release wouldn't play on my main account
  15. Which eggs do you need? remember eggs can't hold items as well @Sweetcune0217 which starter eggs are you looking for so I can get them ready with lucky egg attached to one
  16. Nope not unless it's hidden in episode 18 content
  17. I can give you a 5IV one if that's alright? Yes Will be on for most of the remainder of the day and all of Saturday @Zero1Six same applies to you
  18. Unless your a vet or staff you'll have to ask a staff member
  19. I found a few fletchlings in the green grass by coreys gym, they seem to have a somewhat rare encounter rate, I didn't find any at night but that could just be bad luck however they are there
  20. Someone could probably trade you one or someone good at using the pbs files could probably edit one in or something like that unfortunately I'm unable to help you
  21. @jcroth please stick to one thread for Pokemon you are looking for as threads can easily be edited also online is currently down until server maintenance is done
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