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Starry Knight

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I can give you one, what's your user?
  2. Tep you still on? just want to finish listening to this song then I'll swap to my other account, for some reason reborn won't work on my main account
  3. so nidoF-Hoothoot regardless of gender and the rest only if female? I'll set them aside for you then
  4. Cool give me a few minutes and you can have one @Fresh Potatoe ready when you are, what's your user I'll request
  5. Alright sorry didn't hear the notification, on the other side what's your ID?
  6. Am on now, if your on will be around for awhil Yep, no problem Blazz has asked for Larvesta, was just asleep so I was unable to respond, probably could trade you on off a back up if you really wanted though
  7. I can give you any of them, which did you want specifically?
  8. Yep I'll be on tomorrow, heading to bed it's Almost 1:20 am here
  9. There's a weather mod that might help with that if your not opposed to it
  10. Yeah it needs to be clear and day I believe
  11. Alright Have a good time
  12. Ah okay it's just past that point sadly Give me a few and I can give you one unfortunately will be lvl 1
  13. How far in are you, you should be able to catch them right before the circus
  14. Left it on waiting screen when your ready
  15. Nothing in particular, something releasable would be appreciated if you could
  16. You still on? I have one I can give you, My user is Snorlax
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