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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Enjoy, if you still can't get rest of them PM and I'll make eggs of them for you
  2. Alright, my name is Snorlax,I'll wait for request
  3. Let me know when your done with them
  4. Are you okay with two seperate trades Azurill is on a different file and actually you can keep the shedninja
  5. Sorry I don't know, perhaps a bug? or it was a limited event?
  6. Azurill line can be found near the glass factory morning and in grass (Marill/Azumarill) very rare encounter not sure if you have to melt the snow or not though I have a shedninja I can mock trade you
  7. Episode 18 is latest version of reborn it can't be found on main download page as it's not public yet
  8. Alright just give me a few seconds to put a couple pokemon in PC Ops my name is Snorlax for trading, ready now Have a good time
  9. One nugget would be fine, sorry was finishing a trade with someone else first didn't expect it to go that long
  10. No problem, have a good time
  11. Yep just hatch the little fellow
  12. I'll be a few minutes with Azruill found my sea insence
  13. There is one that is a findable item on the ground I got mine from anyways ready
  14. give me a couple seconds trying to find my scale seems to be MIA
  15. Ops my bad the were right beside eachother and only read scale
  16. Give me a few minutes and I'll help you, if you have items I could sell to continue breeding longer it would be appreciated if not releasable pokemon are appreciated the most
  17. Did clampearl not evolve into Gorbyss? I would like it back once your done with it please
  18. What's your ID I will send the first 6 over
  19. I have a tyrouge you can have but will send Hitmontop over to register dex info
  20. Tyrouge I can give you just didn't want to permanently give away my shiny Top, would you like a tyrouge? also need to know your user for the trade
  21. For Gorbyss and Hitmontop I need them back if possible howver right now have all but Azurill ready to be traded to you
  22. I can do a natu for you, nevermind Huend seems to have one for you
  23. Hmm will see what I can do then, give me a few and I know I can do the rest for you though
  24. Do you have a sea insence? Try something in your front party with magnet pull might help a bit
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