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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Starry Knight

    LF Poliwag

    Grass time of day sensitive to morning I believe and is a fairly rare encounter
  2. Lol okay, btw more effective to tag or quote someone since it makes a notification sound and shows briefly on their screen
  3. did you want your shiny back have no use for 2 of the same one
  4. damn, try running around at night just in the alley then
  5. Are you before or after city restoration? if your before check peridot alley by Julia's gym at night
  6. It happens ready, whats your user and I'll request
  7. @Cashmere Damp Mudkip seems to do pretty good, despite being 4x to the second gym
  8. As I said it might be time of day sensitive I quote this from from someone else
  9. I have it ready if you wanted to do it quickly or I will put it aside for you
  10. No just give me a couple minutes to procure an egg and finish hatching the ones in my party @F.E.A.R ready, what is your user I'll request
  11. Do you want one still in egg?
  12. @HUEnd I'll take an onix in echange I have Fletchinder, scyther or Bruxish I could trade you
  13. Or is it just nobody is currently on them very rarely do they get used
  14. This is a place to share things you've gotten during WT please create or comment on the other multiple threads offer specified trades in future reference Celestial Fire PM please to set up a trade possibly
  15. Well let me know if you do, i can breed anything breedable with atleast 5IV for you I have a ralts set up to be Gallade with the egg moves Shadow Sneak, destiny bond, misty terrain, confuse ray if you want one
  16. Okay, then keep it, it was a spare from breeding anyways, hope they all help, you need anything else?
  17. Accedently sent torchic and exited trade which one did I mix torchic up with?
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