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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I'll just breed my own then, just trade things you don't need, I have the rest in shiny, really only water and pure normal left to breed. What's your ID, I'll request when you tell me your ready
  2. That'd be fine trying to obtain the dex in the shiny 5IV forms cause I was bored and thought it would be an awesome idea
  3. I was just looking at the shiny one past that anything you don't need is fine Eggs are fine as well
  4. I have all of them if you want, would I be able to get the mudkip off of you?
  5. Alright, was worth a try, I only have about 2.5 boxes left to breed left shroomish for yours though, forgot though my aim was for 5IV would shroomish fall under that? If not I'll breed one myself lol
  6. Figured it would bring a slightly better chance in general for Cubone just a bonus if it has the club
  7. Pm'd them with the info lol didn't realize you were on Are any of the water types mentioned besides Goldeen and Squirtle 5IV?
  8. If I'm correct Cubone still carries the club you could use the compound eye trick to try and make one more likely to appear
  9. I was thinking the unground where you find the cute cell Pokemon across where you fight the venipede that always seems to be a step off for the encounter near the beginning. Thought you could get in there with the nidorans
  10. There's an underground passage try there maybe
  11. Dark materials can be traded, however we now have 3 in game, also Zero has stated they are waiting for public release of episode 18
  12. I'm not too sure I know about 1% bit that would also make sense
  13. It's also a duplicate thread, they got what they wanted
  14. It's okay, just send me two random ones, what's your ID I will request when your ready, I just ended up hatching a 6IV shiny Tynamo, not too worried about getting them right now
  15. Keep the eevee, I have one ironically for each eeveelution one of three that I have sorry, should of mentioned that earlier, just send something you don't need
  16. It should always be called Game.rxdata though redownloading it it will go to your download preference Users/(User name)/Saved Games/Pokemon reborn is the pathing on the most part
  17. @preskey327 Not in particular, though slowly breeding for 5IV shinies if you have any that the main type is water or pure normal it would be appreciated have everything else minus Tynamo which I accidentally forgot about, if not don't worry about it cause they are spares I just didn't want to release Did you have a preference? or did you want both? I will send request once we are both ready,with that being said what is your user?
  18. I have multiple of each from when I was breeding for a male and female shiny, so I was offering you your preference all are 6IVs regardless if you want a male and a female one I would give you both
  19. Ops for some reason I thought it was in On the hunt, sorry. Did you need male or female one?
  20. PM, your in the wrong section, trades should be taken to Online Play
  21. Yeah, unfortunately, if you want one I think I have one I can give you, if you want it PM me and we can set up a trade @kyle3927
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