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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I have Archeops, but I never went to send Archeops @Supreme Are you missing Shroomish, Goomy or Axew?
  2. I didn't send Archeops, wasn't sure if Archeops was okay or not you never said yes or no to me sending it instead of Archen I somehow got 7 snivy from you as well which one are you missing?
  3. I have all the starters, which ones do you need? I will keep them as eggs for you even
  4. The ones ypur seeking, I currently have most of them but I have an archeops not an Archen, currently not on hand are staryu, chatot, rufflet Would you happen to have a shiny male rockruff with decent IVs? if not I'll take releasable pokemon
  5. @lolokxd here's your game file back Game.rxdata
  6. how long ago did you do that, cause as of episode 17 that doesn't work anymore
  7. it stopped the moment the community release was officially uploaded sadly
  8. I can trade you one off my back up then
  9. I have one and that's it currently, there are two in game though have you gotten either of them?
  10. Do you need your lucky egg? cause you traded over the your lucky egg on Oshawott when you received litten @asterlicks
  11. Alright, next time please quote or Tag me don't get the notification otherwise
  12. No problem now to update the header lol
  13. Ready, sorry laptop died
  14. Maybe if I do I will send it with the others
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