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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Will try and be on soon finishing a trade with someone else first though @asterlicks your litten is ready
  2. Sorry had a late night last night and fell asleep before I could update it Would Zweilous be fine instead of Dieno?
  3. three of them will be from a different file
  4. Yeah that's okay, just make a list of whatever you want, most the shiny ones I gave to Zero1Six though
  5. Thanks for adopting the mons
  6. Cool I can trade you right now if you want?
  7. @asterlicks I am able to breed you one if you so wish
  8. Yep Are you still on?
  9. I have a natu you can have Let me know roughly when your on so we can set up a trade
  10. I can, let me know when roughly your on so we can set up a trade, I can do both if you want or you can pick which you want
  11. I seem to have only Adament ones currently ready to send night slash one if you wanna send the other one back?
  12. Enjoy your Charmander @Zero1Six trade done
  13. Ready I'll request assuming you want it now
  14. Not really just give me a few to get a night slash one
  15. As in you got the charmander or that I will be trading you one in stead?
  16. ah, I didn't see it myself move the spoiler to above the images perhaps
  17. I have one that can be traded now with Zero1Six's permission or I can set it aside for later @Zero1Six you should put a running list in the description of pokemon available/taken which ever is easier to follow
  18. they randomly span in any order check roughly along the east and western edges of the desert
  19. I have a spare one that can be traded if that would work better for you?
  20. Sorry if it did, it was one of the breeding spares, if you wish I can give you one with night slash
  21. Snorlax is my user will let you know when on need to quickly switch files
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