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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Give me a few minutes and you can have a nincada though mine has already been hatched
  2. try quoting or tagging people next time so they get the notification of a reply
  3. ENjoy the gible
  4. Alright I'm on, you ready?
  5. What's your user I'll request just about to log on
  6. Alright give me litterly a minute
  7. Sorry just seen the post, You still on? Please quote or tag me with your response or PM me
  8. Yes that would be prefered what's your trading name? I'll request
  9. I have chimchar right now, my game ate one of my saves though so have to rebreed the others the rest are also on a different file
  10. Currently right now only looking for a shiny male from the sneasel line with decent IVs however if you don't have or want to trade one away I will take cannon folder
  11. I can breed most of those, i have chimchar already breed
  12. @Zero1Six I have a couple shiny baton you can give away also a box full of shiny stuff. I'm interested in one of the shroomish if you have any unclaimed ones
  13. I have a spare one you can have, it won't be right away though
  14. Enjy your two pokemon
  15. alright, let me know when you do get on
  16. You can get one or the other after finishing the puzzle in the southern part of the forest
  17. Give me a few minutes and I'll be on making a sandwich @Dweeb You still on?
  18. Happy birthday hope it's a good one

    1. Dan82


      Thanks alot

  19. You can dump them into your PC box and pull what you want out in the order you want and just try keeping one of each
  20. No Heracoss clears the website and Pinsir the logs
  21. Yes to both I double checked the criteria
  22. I have a misdreavus I hatched yesterday you can have managed to hatch 2 in a row same with a noibat
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