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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. it is in the wasteland, do you know where the old man in the building is? if you go up onto the platformed area there's a headbutt tree up there that inkay is in
  2. Ah sorry, hope you get the information you need, have fun breeding.
  3. Without destiny Knot it's 2IV taken from parents, 5IVs with a destiny knot still randomized. I tend to take a perfect one I've breed before or someone has traded me and have the 4/5IV pokemon hold the destiny knot ant the other the power item corresponding to one of the missing perfect IVs. it takes time to do but that's what I find for me the best way to do it as though it is just luck on both parts Alternatively you can use the karp method and breed and hatch magikarps saving after each one until you get a shiny and replace that last magikarp with the pokemon your breeding that should give you a shiny one
  4. NP have a good day/night
  5. No problem figured that was the case so I immediately logged back on and am waiting again
  6. That's okay, I've got a few of them don't really care. I just like fox like pokemon, trying to reduce amount of mons I have anyways @Dweeb
  7. My bad for misreading the trade thought you had meant on reborn don't worry about Zoroarck On waiting screen now
  8. Just Froakie or the others as well? or are you going to continue to search for the others in their shiny form? My user is Snorlax
  9. Ultra Sun and Moon Hatch 20 eggs and beat the elite four an ace trainer at the battle tree will unlock the ability for you to see your IVs including any in the PC if that helps at all it also might be available in Sun and moon not too sure though
  10. Enjoy, have a good day/night
  11. Alright let me know when your ready
  12. I can give you one for something you don't need/want What's your user and i'll request once your ready
  13. I'm on starting now for a couple hours after that might be a bit spotty
  14. I'm sorry I couldn't get back online for more then a minute last night however I am able today if you haven't found anther
  15. Have no idea however the guys in online bugs should be able to help you
  16. I can tomorrow can't get wifi to stay alive for very long right now, if someone else offers one though that's fine with me
  17. Zorarck please I'm having issues staying online today the longest I've been able to stay on is roughly 5mins and then it crashes for like an hour
  18. Protean for froakie
  19. No problem glad you found what u we're looking for
  20. No they aren't Lapras is or froakie and an Eevee is
  21. I can give you Vulpix, ralts, misdreavous, Eevee/alolian Vulpix, Lapras and or a froakie You could also try if you them already have them and could breed them you could try using the shared box it takes box 35 and makes it into something that can be shared across all your saved files
  22. How many department store stickers do you have? You coytry and buy some, also try the girl in the academy when entering from the pokemon center she's to your left by the enterence to the lower floor battles i don't remember which seeds she gives but she gives some
  23. Tag a member like @Ice Cream Sand Witch
  24. I have an extra Gastly bot a shiny one though
  25. I'll try requesting again make sure Alt isn't on as well
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