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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Okay, almost ready got one more Pokemon did you still need Bulbasaur if so 2 more
  2. You can also outright catch them in mirage tower basement
  3. Not really nessicary, will take something I can release, trying to spring clean my boxes anyways so having more good stuff is kinda counter productive lol @Trufa Dewpider with Sticky Web as egg move if possible is not possible till next episode unfortunately the combee I hatched is 4 IVs but female with decent IVs in the 2 X's or I hatched a shiny 5 IV male one
  4. I'll breed them for you except the Bulbasaur, I can't do specific HPs very well I can try but it's very unlikely for me to get it. Have combee, squirtle Will take chatot have everything else
  5. It takes 3 dark matter to where you get litwick so you can catch one by yourself assuming you borrow a dark matter from someone else so technically it is legit
  6. @HUEnd thought he wanted an electrik magnetriks pre evolution not elekid.... Though their names are easily mixed up I suppose
  7. Something I can release would be much appreciated @brxyden I'll request just give me heads up when your ready
  8. @brxyden I have a couple I could give you, anything in particular your looking for like a passible egg move?
  9. I am just about to go to work I will PM you once I get back to set up a good time to trade
  10. I have a box full of them I don't really need anything in particular in return
  11. Marill isn't avalable through wild double checked with Pokedex including it's preform and evolved form, Vullaby has can only be obtained through breeding Mandibuzz, Frillish is in sunken villages/underwater spots, Staryu is good/super rod fishing in azurine lake after restoration and tentas are surfing after restoration
  12. You were looking for one of the pokemon offered. Thought you might have been interested
  13. Poli is morning only I believe in Tarzan cove and a rare encounter
  14. That would be correct most staters I don't really care if male or female but it's kinda like having a male Gardevoir for me their very feminine to me and I just prefer them to be female like I am
  15. You should ask in the online section, I would give you one but I don't seem to have one
  16. True, nature's don't really bother me though would prefer IVs on the better part . Gotten use to using a male one usually with okay enough IVs
  17. My only issue with it is it's gender ratio and it takes me better part of an hour to get any female starter same issue with Primaprima I like all starters fairly equally however the Fennikin line is my favourite line
  18. Back on and waiting @wrk5646 Enjoy them
  19. On waiting User is Snorlax
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