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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Seems to have gotten stuck on waiting
  2. I can do right now will you be requesting or me my User is Snorlax
  3. What time zone are you just about to head to bed I'm EST and it's roughly quarter to 1am here Actually if your on now let's do it quickly
  4. Send me a list through private message of things your looking for I have an extensive collection of stuff and should be able to help you with what your looking for
  5. Let me request this time as you forum nane is same as online play name
  6. It crashes it more often that's all
  7. Are you using speed up while trading?
  8. Okay user is Snorlax, I have the slugma and stuff first. send a PM of what your looking for pokemon wise I might have some of them before I spend time trading Marills @wrk5646my game seems to have crashed please resend request
  9. I have 2 boxes of marills most are 5IV if that's okay with you getting 5IV ones, ready when you are have first 5 pokemon need to switch files for rest of marills What exactly are you looking for? cause as I said sorting boxes have like a bunch of files and have only gotten through the main starter typings Please try not to double post as well
  10. Y so many? I can give you three but idk if all 6IV definitely 5IV ones
  11. Yeah give me a couple to switch files though
  12. I have an axew I'm okay with parting with and you can keep the shiny grass monkey, looking for stuff I can release into the wild
  13. @PaulEnriquez I have one you can have
  14. I have a few not overly sure how many, I know they are female And sure no problem
  15. Starry Knight


    It's the number on the right they have a maximum value of 31 each, they along with EVs can make a huge difference in how much damage you deal or take. They are fairly important however not every one cares about them some just collect shinies but most people would prefer equivalent exchange so random IV shiny for random IV shiny. Perhaps a list in description on what exactly your looking for would be better then just saying 'rare'
  16. Happy birthday, hope you have a good one

  17. Understandable, i like headbutting trees or fishing to encounter pokemon rather then run around amissly, to me it's easier
  18. Okay, my user is SNorlax, I'm going to assume it's ready and not reading
  19. @Waynolt Love it especially the shared PC box, I was wondering if it would be possible to implement headbutt so you don't have to carry around a dedicated headbutt pokemon?
  20. @DerxwnaKapsyla move relearner didn't show up, talked with everyone in there, was he or she implemented this time?
  21. @wrk5646 Enjoy those two
  22. Sorry my message never sent my I'd is Snorlax I'll have both for u on the waiting
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