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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I'm particular to woman as my little profile thing says female but eh and treat it well XD
  2. Snorlax and sure @Fabs can you wait a couple minutes trying to trade with someone who asked before you and have to grab it
  3. Ask in the online section, or if you want I'm pretty sure I might have one I can spare, if you want it PM me and I'll see about it
  4. This area is for looking where to get them, Online play is for breeding requests
  5. I believe they all have perfect speed IVs @wrk5646 what's your user I will request ready now @peden let me know when your available
  6. Yep will be on in a few, just getting up and getting something to eat.
  7. Yep. Nothing in particular in exchange would prefer something releasable
  8. No save just before you take the egg run around like mad hatch it check if it has the desired outcome if It doesn't soft reset would recommend grabbing something with flamebody or magma armor You cannot save after receiving the egg otherwise is is set in stone or you go into online play and ask nicely if someone will give you one
  9. It's possible if you save before getting the egg and same without hatching I believe, the only thing it doesn't change is which Pokemon hatching
  10. PM me and I will give you one. Will be on later or we can set something up for tomorrow which choice item are you missing?
  11. If your on I can trade right now. please quote or tag with your online trading name and I'll request as soon as I see the message
  12. Okay I will request then Enjoy the ditto
  13. Are you on? I can do a couple trades real quick, anything is fine I every single pokemon possible filled in my dex so even rattata would be fine it is most likely to be released My user is Snorlax
  14. Ill be with you guys in about 10 or so finishing a trade with Luis. Anything is fine preferably something releasable
  15. Okay give me a few to gather them up, did you want to fully trade or mock trade them just for the entries? @bada_mat
  16. No problem eventually they would of ended up for trade in my post anyways
  17. I have sent request you should have received it
  18. I have both with decent IVs you still on?
  19. I can trade or mock trade you everything but mudsdale and tsareena Yes you can they aren't legit same with the ledgendary ones other than null/silvaly and phione
  20. just let me know when your ready
  21. brt you still online?
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