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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Okay what's your user and I'll request
  2. Let me know when your ready, preferably something releasable, when your ready let me know your online user to trade
  3. I do are you online? (PS please quote or tag my name so it pops a notification)
  4. Cool what's your User and I'll send request, would like something releasable
  5. Happy Birthday, Hope you have a good one

  6. @Eco are you currently online? I can be on in a couple minutes give or take
  7. @Eco I have marills ready or I can breed a azurill for you
  8. What all you looking for? Yep female or shiny one?
  9. Any IV is fine, mostly collecting for pokedex entries. I'll be waiting
  10. my user is Snorlax I'll wait for the request assuming your on now?
  11. Yep please tag or quote that way a notification is sent despite foll wing my own thread I don't receive notifications for someone commenting in it
  12. You as well, hope you enjoy bulba
  13. Sorry my laptop battery died if you don't have any of those that is fine not looking particularly for anything important though can't seem to find Komola Just tag me with your user when your ready
  14. Enjoy sorry couldn't help with HP fire
  15. Did you get me request it's from Snorlax
  16. I have both ready currently if you want to receive both now. if so what is your user?
  17. If you want 7th street has a nature changer I have no patience for it but if you want I can attach a heart scale for you to change bulbasaurs nature
  18. Which starter do you want? Bulbasaur is Modest with Dark HP Torchic is adament with low kick
  19. Bulbasaur, Torchic yes Froakie 4IVs but shiny
  20. Enjoy, have a good night
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