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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Honedge, swinub have both for sure that you outright have. I have a Vulpix somewhere but need to breed it. Probably can catch the grimer though
  2. Okay if you give a few minutes after I'll round up anything on the list I can and breed what I don't want to give away @AzmaReyes ready who will request? My user is Snorlax fyi
  3. Attempting to turn on laptop, I may have a couple others from your list but I know I have a box of fletchlings
  4. Not interested in shinies really so anything you want to send my way is fine, however if you have any gen 7 Pokemon let me know
  5. Welcome back if you need/want any help with anything I'll try to help just send a PM with what you want breed have started collecting a decent amount of gen 7 stuff
  6. I have four of them with decent IVs. I see no problem in giving one of them to you. Sorry fell asleep last night shortly after offering it to you
  7. Happy Birthday

  8. Happy birthday XD

  9. The grind is exteremly slow, while your rivals are a good amount ahead of you. A couple of the soundtracks are annoying to listen to. Would be nice to have Bulbasaur as a viable starter as there little to no way to grind nor does it have any advantage early game really. The type changes are refreshing. More variety for early game be nice and change some of the encounter rates. Also a way to speed the game up would make it a lot better for people given how the game has some long grind moments. The dark alley needs to be made more apparent as it stands the alley is very easy to pass as it is positioned in a way that seems not accessable. Maybe repostion more of the breeders on the routes as some seem way to far apart.
  10. Unless there using an older version or have already caught the pokemon in the older version before then they can't get it now in those cases
  11. I've tried like 10 times, you request me this time... I had it in with you for like 3 mins my user is snorlax It went to waiting screen each time like it was waiting for your approval
  12. Yeah and when I went to trade with you it froze when sending Magmar back
  13. Seems to have froze @bada_mat
  14. Requested Did u mean to send 2 lycanrocks?
  15. Hold on have to transfer the item, thought I had it on that file
  16. If you have some gen 7 Pokemon to spare I'd like those if not oh well Give me a min to collect them Ready and requesting
  17. Lf gen 7 stuff If you send Magmar I'll send it back with the item, have the other 6 of them
  18. Does it have to be azurill and magmortar? I have marill and magby if they will work? But I have the rest if you don't are too much about IVs
  19. @Aquablade96 probably won't be for awhile until I decide to get one content breeding what I do have in spare time opposed to activly looking for shiny pokemon cause I don't care too much about shiny pokemon. you can always change title of this thread to LF Shiny Fornmatis
  20. @Aquablade96 Okay I will wait for your request under trades Enjoy the Slupuff
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