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Starry Knight

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Status Updates posted by Starry Knight

  1. Happy Birthday 🎂

    Hope u and your loved ones are safe and sound

    1. Maqqy


      Thank you Starry ❤️ Same to you as well.

  2. Happy Birthday
    Hope you have a great day
    hope you and fam are safe

  3. Happy Birthday :3 Hope everything is going well

    1. Alistair


      Thank you! Things are going pretty well, I hope it's the same for you!

  4. Happy Birthday
    Hope you and your loved ones are doing well

    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Ack, pardon my lateness! My birthday did indeed go very well, as did finals (considering how bad I am at online classes, anyway). Belated thanks for the BDay wishes~!

  5. Happy Birthday hope it's a good one, come drop by predict the next person sometime again

  6. Well that was fun, hit a bunch of snags. First turkey wasn't done, then my brother in law asked her to embroider his bear for his girlfriend while waiting on Turkey. The pumpkin pie was half frozen when we pulled it out of the fridge. On the way home ran out of gas about a mile away from a gas station. We got there in around 4pm left just bet midnight. Got home 1:45am ish. Silver the cheesecake turned out very sweet wouldn't recommend strawberry pie filling

    1. SilverAngelus


      I'm sorry things didn't turn out the way you wanted to Starry *hug*

      At least you're safe~

      As for the cheesecake, I find it helps if the cheesecake is very cold (but not frozen). That way you wouldn't find the taste too sweet.

    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      It was very cold but not frozen including the filling, had been in fridge about 24h, the strawberry filling was overly sweet, it did help with some of the sweetness but still overly sweet


      Thank you hugs back

  7. Merry Hoho's hope everyone has an awesome day

  8. In with the cheesecake

    Looking forward to having some tomorrow. Headed out of town for Christmas dinner tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      I love pomegranate cheesecake made with an Oreo crumble base

    3. SilverAngelus


      OwO I don't think I've had pomegranate cheesecake before. I like pomegranate and also oreos, so I I think I'll like that cheesecake :3

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Was my mom's best creation, though she changes recipe everytime she makes it....

  9. Have an awesome day, Best of wishes on your special day

    1. Sayia


      Thank you Starry, I really appreciate! 🙂 ❤️ 

  10. Happy birthday my fellow feline

    Hope you have an amazing day

  11. Happy Birthday have a wonderful day XD

  12. Happy Birthday. Hope it was an amazing day

    1. Zumi


      Thank you very much!!

  13. Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great one

  14. If he didn't know just made my boyfriend Whisker's day. Found out gigamax Snorlax is a thing

    1. SilverAngelus


      For years, Snorlax has been told to stop blocking the route. Now they have become the route itself. Take that!

  15. Was so temped to jump in the giant leaf pile we made today, would have been hilarious but then I would of had to rerake it then which out weighed my desire to jump into the leaves

    1. Dreamy


      In the end you decided it was best to leaf it alone

    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight


      Wonder if that many leafs would call a lefeon to make it's home there

  16. Feeling annoyed at our cat

  17. Feeling like I accomplished something. Cleaned out 'ma's stove got it mostly clean, just a bit left.

    Spent last night at my old man's house we cleaned up the living room a bit. have a box of blankets to be donated, two boxes of dishes. put an led light up in the ceiling above the kitchen looks a lot better now.
    Though his cat insisted on being in the way as much as possible until I accidently stepped on his tail then he went outside though he spent the night cuddled up to me

  18. Happy Birthday hope you have a good day

  19. Almost there 2 more inches to go before I'm donating my hair


    Thinking Wigs for kids, all I know is not Canadian cancer society as it isn't affordable for most families going through cancer treatment


    If anyone has any recommendations in Ontario for donating hair please let me know

  20. Lmao so Whiskers decided to get Sword or shield today on one fact


    For the fact it has SNorlax up and roaming in the game


    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr


      Ohey, it's actually burning calories for once? Maybe Galarian snorlax aren't at such high risk of getting heart attacks!


    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Lol interesting theory

  21. Starry is feeling very annoyed right now

    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Maybe you should take a moment to meditate a little? Just enough to calm down, at least.


      I really oughta start taking my own advice

    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      I went back to sleep lol

      My cat isn't feeling too good and we woke to having found she pissed on our dirty laundry pile. We're trying to get her to go in a separate litter box but she adamantly refuses to do so

  22. Getting up this morning when stretching pulled my leg muscles, it hurts to walk now

    1. SilverAngelus


      I'm sorry that happened to you. Have you seen a doctor yet? 

      You should relax the muscles as much as you can, and maybe put ice on it to prevent swelling. After that, I'd let a doctor take care of the rest b/c I'm not one.

  23. Sigh~ our cat is being difficult, need to get a urine sample and she refuses to use the litter box in our room with the special kitty litter

  24. Happy birthday hope you have an awesome day and hey maybe stop in at predict the next person someday soon

  25. Happy belated  birthday

    1. andracass


      you were good in my timezone, so it counts!


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