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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. It cures itself after a day just walk around with an infected pokemon till the rest are infected and check every once and awhile, it doesn't get cured if in the PC storage
  2. I can give you one if you still need one I'm generally one 8-10:30ish PM EST during weekdays or most of the day on weekends
  3. @BrazenCrown254 Okay hope you enjoy have a good day
  4. I preferred headbutt to honey though Honey is nice in safari zone as a sweet scent. I agree with the underground however I still liked the Hoenn secret bases more, I liked the Duel Slot mode in the official games it was a cool function especially with Pal park and being able to catch pokemon not usually found like magby on the early routes. The poketech was well done, wish it would come back, though X/Y thing was pretty cool with poke amie and super training and Omegas search function too bad they couldn't combine the poketech with those.
  5. @BrazenCrown254You sure you don't wanna keep the little one was expecting rt 1 trash so to speak
  6. @BrazenCrown254 No I just edited to avoid double posting, will be 2mins at most
  7. Happy Birthday hope it is/was a good one

  8. @BrazenCrown254 that works for me, I'm on now, let me know when your ready
  9. @xXDelokXx @BrazenCrown254 When are you available? I can't tonight due to not being home overnight but I can tomorrow night just let me know roughly when and what time zone your in
  10. 6IV dittos aren't legit if you don't care if it's legit or not I can trade you one
  11. Happy birthday hope it goes well

    1. Zarc


      Thank you !! Hope things are well for you too ! 🙂 

    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      They are but just about to go to work, woke up late

    3. Zarc


      I wish you a good day then !

  12. Happy birthday, thanks for all the help you've given me over the months

  13. @boomdiada_ @davihouben93 While it is not obtainable through regular gameplay there are people who have them or can generate them some with the other unobtainable pokemon @Lord Drakyle would you possibly have one? I would however I can't seem to get sandbox ep17 working
  14. Graphics generally paint the atmosphere for you, extremely poor graphics can end the game before it even starts, poor graphics can leave a bad impression on the game itself. Having amazing graphics is nice and all but if it doesn't match the tone of the story it can be very off putting, however if you have decent graphics that match the tone of the story it can enchant you even further into the game. While graphic generally aren't make or break they defiantly play a major role
  15. Seasonal pokemon forms, plant like pokemon in general would probably go under different seasonal changes like deerling does, I'd love to see someone take that and fully implement that into game Pokemon Contest like Hoenn anime Gyms like in the Orange Islands 2p exploration I'd love to go around with my friends and do double battles like having Cheryl in Eterna forest with you permanently
  16. Okay will request now Enjoy the Deino
  17. Give me a couple mins at most to grab it
  18. I have a spare deino if you would be interested
  19. I never really followed the smaller changes to things like Thunder wave as I rarely used them preferring things that put to sleep I agree on the items part though it gets annoying
  20. @Celeby was thinking it was going to save you some trouble since I have a box full of decent Marills
  21. @Celeby Sorry to intrude then it's your trade as they say first come first serve
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