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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Yep have a trade with anther person first but I can give u a larvesta
  2. That's okay I tend to get boxes of starter/fossil pokemon lol
  3. Have a good day (night where I am)
  4. Ready when you are, requesting trade @Metrophor
  5. What's your Trade name? found it fairly easily so I'm ready, LF rats or to that effect something I can release
  6. Give me a couple mins and I'll find my extra one
  7. I have a shiny togepi if your willing to trade A grimer or A Diglett could even possibly put a list of ones I have in return if I could get both off ya I have a normal Gastly, Dratini, larvesta and Axew possibly a shiny Axew if you don't get a reply from @julien
  8. Starry Knight


    @Zeno please stop double posting to the best of your abilities also your tag didn't work
  9. Enjoy lol actually hatched a perfect the first time but then forgot to save and exited reborn so I had to reget and hatch the egg, I was sad to mess up like that.
  10. Congrats on graduating XD

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Q-Jei


      Congratulations Candy! Respect for you!

    3. SilverAngelus


      Candy-sama!!! Congratulations on graduating!!!! 

      In fact, you can has two cakes this time: 🍰 🍰

    4. Candy


      Thanks y'all~ it been sum real 4 years but y'all made my antisocial lifestyle fun 😝

  11. I'm on now, sorry was watching Shogeki no Soma wanted to catch up today. My user is Snorlax
  12. Do you have a preference of which I can breed both easily enough pretty sure with a nuetral nature
  13. @DarkMaster What style are you looking for gba or more modern like DS games or does it matter?
  14. @groniack Thanks for the feeback, changed them a bit, used smaller windows and changed their placement, the main room the carpet including the layering has been fixed and realigned for better centering and a couple things added to the corner, I left the bookcases as they are there on purpose and will serve a purpose latter for an event
  15. I'll wait my ID is Snorlax @Lukasrid Enjoy those two XD
  16. Yep @Lukasrid headed to bed sorry I missed u again earlier but those two are reserved for you and will not go to anyone but you it's just a matter of when, will be on again in probably 12h or so
  17. @Candy if the shop is closed now you should have an admin close it after this trade
  18. XD okay Yeah sorry ended up going out to meet my parent to celebrate Mother's day which is tomorrow just got back a couple mins ago
  19. Just starting no events on them yet but this is where I'm thinking of starting my game off
  20. THANK YOU!! hope you enjoy the snivy though
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