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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. @Lukasrid Either of the turtwig good for you? I can dig a bit more to see if I have a slightly better one on a different file though (Sorry for the double post)
  2. Looking for 7th gen Pokemon have a few water ones mainly trying for all the water one though
  3. @Lukasrid in about an hour I'll be on will give you both if you don't already have them
  4. @Zero1Six I'd like the litten please I won't be on till later tho
  5. It gets you a decent armor set with the tickets it gives. I would also sespect the best chance at heroic stone as well and a trophy for first completeion I believe
  6. Would you be able to spare me an egg? I can give you something decent in return, not today though
  7. That's a glitch, it shouldn't do that and I've never seen it do so @Mr. Knightly has one for you though
  8. Have you tried WT for a few? I might have it on one of my save files but would recommend trying WT and checking after each round
  9. No problems, I enjoy the events more and just playing with people How about you? you enjoy playing with others? What's your favourite type of quests @Godot I have just played a lot of it, the three tempered elder quest is an optional
  10. Those were kinda hard to do since they have female starter rate for genders
  11. Thank you both have egg moves that could be used to pass to others if your interested
  12. @Mr. Knightly have sent the request have you received it? You may have to request tried twice to request and you haven't seemed to receive it
  13. @Mr. Knightly what was your Id again I'll request
  14. The ones I have are Kabuto and Omantye working through pokedex numbrarically with little time would those still be okay with u
  15. Like after the anime children of the Whales?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LykosHand


      Lol i didn't know that =O, one main character is called like my username, wow =D


      Thank you for have told me this =D  

    3. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      XD it's an interesting anime but a bit dark if your interested

    4. LykosHand


      Oh i see, but surely i will look at it 😄 

  16. A-meowth and Oronguru please for a couple rejects in return
  17. I'm in around 125, PS4. How about you? Have yet to do the lvl 100 tempered elders and a couple of the mantles I haven't gotten
  18. You still want these guys I can get you all them probably for tomorrow night with good IVs
  19. Very much thanks she will come in a lot of help, I pray you enjoy your mantis and the exp share
  20. She's Perfect.... okay bad joke but I love her
  21. @SilverOwl271 Thank you for the little one couldn't find a metal coat to you so hope that helps since I had 2 somehow
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