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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Thank you, what did you want in return?
  2. are you able to breed a whimpod egg any IV's and I'll give you a metal coat for scyther or something in return? @SilverOwl271
  3. Okay logging on now, I'll request
  4. got a rat? particularly alolian if not don't worry about it and give anything releaseable @SilverOwl271 let me know when you are online
  5. I'm on now what is your id mine is Snorlax, have been rearranging a tileset I've been making
  6. I am also on EST I should be able to do that, work is hectic for me as a contractor
  7. Yeah when roughly are u on 9h ago was roughly 1:30 am for me
  8. looks more fun to watch personally
  9. I can get you a scyther it's not legit but it's not hacked in either. Diancie shouldn't be possible to WT
  10. Who all plays looking for someone to do things with all my friends can't play right now or are choosing God of war
  11. Try qouating or tagging it makes a notification pop up just hitting reply despite whoever follows it might not show at all as a notification
  12. enjoy them sorry froakie isn't too good IV wise
  13. Sorry it takes a minute to recieve the replies am on now
  14. sp def up speed down, I am not able to change it, I have accumlated a bunch of pokemon on an extra file before I restarted and deleted old ones
  15. I am as well my user is snorlax will I be waiting or requesting?
  16. I'm ready with both ground type is barboach it does have a ground type move on it currently and froakie with protein will that work? @MegaRekhytX
  17. Froakie, right now it's only a starter option in game
  18. Np and not that I know of I have completed newest episode but I can give you one if you want
  19. @MegaRekhytX Sure I can give me a couple seconds to do so though
  20. you want trevant back? @mopanda98
  21. @Walpurgis @Jays tag or quote people it helps a lot
  22. @mopanda98 yeah ready I'll request the moment you say ready
  23. @seki108 do you have one for this person?
  24. @Tino Lano Thanks enjoy the little one
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