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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. @Walpurgis Is there anything you want in return I'm partical to my gen 7's I have collected but pretty much anything else I can give you or do you care?
  2. @Tino Lano what is your ID or would you prefer to request my ID is Snorlax
  3. @Tino Lano sure you on now?
  4. @mopanda98 can give you one pm me time zone and availability
  5. That's okay. There's a few free online rpg character creators that might help will search around for the ones I used to visit all the time if your interested
  6. Do you have access to 7th st? @mopanda98
  7. @Lukasrid if you don't have one by tomorrow around the time maybe a couple hours later I can trade you both if you don't have them by then
  8. Have you checked all the places they can show if so see what the mods could do about it
  9. Can you wait 5-10 more mins and I'll be on my user is Snorlax will let u know as soon as I get on
  10. @Illumi home for 15mins if your still on
  11. @Illumi I don't have Azurill but I have marills if you want one can give adament nature if that would work I could possibly breed on idk if I have the insense tho
  12. How far in game are you? do you have access to 7th St?
  13. @Chameleon109 try the breeding guild @luis got any to spare between you and your colleagues?
  14. Try tagging or quoating the person your talking to works alot better XD as it shows it in thier notifications
  15. Pokemon essentials if you download older versions you get older gens and their sprites so you could have the entire gen 3 set of tiles for example
  16. If you haven't gotten one in a couple hours I can give you one for free working outside while there's still light but taking a short break right now
  17. @Greninja @HUEnd @luis because I know you guys by tags @Dante-K because you were willing to trade one for a Gastly would you share an egg or something from your Sandshrew
  18. @Dante-K I have a Gastly egg could send it to you but no garuntee of nature could send a heart scale with it so you can go to seventh st to change nature, can't right now but if your on roughly 12-13h from now I have to go to work in a bit and don't know exactly when I'll be on so will tag you to see if your on if that's acceptable
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