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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. @EpicFireStorm hope you enjoy the little tyke and the ice cream if your not already past the point hear Titania love the stuff
  2. @EpicFireStorm works best when you tag people it doesn't always show when there's a comment despite people following the thread just for future reference
  3. @EpicFireStorm sorry for low level got it in a wt special from the guild but already had a shiny Meta so left it as it was
  4. Snorlax @EpicFireStorm will b waiting
  5. Cloyster maybe as for rest no I have no gen 7's except for a normal alolian Persian I will on a list of what shinies I do have sorry for the late reply however spent the entire day painting with my old man yesterday and most of today
  6. I am also willing in a few hours to give you one
  7. Enjoy those two, Ice creams help alot with friendship blue moon will insta max it
  8. Brt it crashed when inputting my user @Faeborn online again and waiting
  9. Oh okay? it didn't send whatever you traded sorry wrong ability it gliched when I used ability capsule
  10. That's okay I don'tneed them It just would of made it easier for breeding for egg moves trying to do viable sets on all water egg group pokemon all gen 1 is pretty much done
  11. Yep fem fossils if you have one would be appreciated but not necessary have gen 1 ones though
  12. @Lost_Master You exited before getting riolu?
  13. Okay Snorlax is my ID the other person just came on as well tho but have for both
  14. Okay I can now waiting on a response from someone else but I have one now currently
  15. @Lost_Master sorry it didn't pop a notification or make any sound brt
  16. Yep. I have both but they are on different files, I don't want anything good in return they are free unless you have female eevee or fossil pokemon minus omantye and kabuto lines
  17. Will have to trade from two different runs but have Ditto ready to trade will you be requesting or me? my User is Snorlax
  18. @Lost_Master okay. You on now if so just give me like 2 mins to change ability and a couple loose ends abilities are Limber or Impostor for ditto or do you mean Riolu?
  19. @HUEnd Zarc no longer trades pokemon. What is still needed just a ditto?
  20. Have been looking through my boxes in preparation for when next episode and the for the fact I have filled almost all the boxes. These guys are looking for new homes 5/6 IV pokemon (It will be edited to show after every trade) Currently LF (For these Pokemon I will breed any pokemon requested with 5IVs at minimum) Nothing Currently: On Hold 1 Marill, 1 Oddish, Alolian Grimer
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