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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. If possible I would like Drapion, Kabutops, mimikyu, Abra, Greninja, luminion, milotic, anorith, riombee, togemaru, jynx Let me know what all you want on return. Have any item you could want as well
  2. Very true. Most people generate them in sandbox mode then just transfer the save back to the official game @Lost_Master still need the riolu and ditto if you don't mind it from sandbox mode?
  3. NP sorry for the community taking so long to help you
  4. I sent a trade request but no answer
  5. @pedwo Zarc no longer trades I will be on in order couple mins
  6. @M4RC I could give you a slowpoke if you still need one
  7. @Velthomer21 how far in game are you? I could send a couple heart scales to you if you wanted to soft reset for preferred nature if you could get a hold of the right gender or ask these guys for them they generally have decent breeding times
  8. @Pie1044 Don't really care I like water types non gen 1 as I am just about done breeding them but anything is fine please no shinies tho Let me know when your ready
  9. @Pie1044 you on I have on for you if you are
  10. Yeah sorry work kept holding me up
  11. @DarkFighter15 sorry ended up going to dad's which has some pretty bad internet was trying to connect but the connection kept dropping just as I was getting on. GJ on completing episode 17
  12. @DarkFighter15 Okay will look for the message either PM or Tag me in that case
  13. @DarkFighter15 nothing it's free, better then sitting collecting dust and when do you think you'll be ready roughly, I'm headed to bed in just over an hour
  14. I can give it shadow ball that's not the problem the one I have is rather low leveled from what I remember tho @DarkFighter15 it's level 30 with Shadowball no EV investment though due to using candys or I have a lvl 1 m nidoran perfect IVs with shadowball
  15. @Shadowslash do you want the porygon back at any point? I can give you back the heart scale as well.
  16. @Shadowslash I can do that will leave it with a heart scale just in case though @Shadowslash ready whenever you are my ID is Snorlax just let me know when you are ready going to continue playing until then
  17. I can give you one somewhat what IVs? I have some carbos and stuff I can use to get 100 EVs
  18. I should be able to help you with most of those pretty sure have a dieno/zweilous, I have a Axew which are now obtainable in the dessert cave as an event I can breed for Dragon Dance, I have a skrelp, I can breed Magikarps/mareeps/turtwig/seedot WILL NOT guarantee natures but will give them all heart scales
  19. Okay, will send a ditto over then will let you know when I'm ready @Velthomer21 ready and waiting Enjoy that beast Destiny knot should pass 5 IVs randomly from the parents rather then 2 I had a couple saves you some money anyways
  20. If you need me to send a destiny knot let me know, if you want I can give a nice ditto to boot that might help. or an everstone to pass the nature that you want
  21. Nah it's chill I have a bunch of them, if I had wanted it would of kept it, had three boxes of fem marills no use to me The ralts help at all?
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