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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Waiting Hope the fem ralts helps with the 5IVs and hope you like the Marill
  2. Okay got them ready I have a couple female ralts that will give you a decent parent will you be requesting or me? sorry for the double post realized just after posting
  3. Snorlaxbut give me a couple seconds and I'll switch files on my playthrough one I just started a couple days ago
  4. @DarkFighter15 What level I'll see if I can get one for you? anything else you need it like good IVs?
  5. @Velthomer21 I'll take one or two please I have a couple decent breeding rejects and whatnot myself with at least 5IVs What do you consider perfect Ralts I might have something to help you
  6. @Fabs I can give you one, i don't care what I get in return, so no need for shinies just a spare pokemon you don't want
  7. I probably can get you it IT HAS TO BE FROM 7th ST. OTHERWISE IT WON'T WORK @Zarc might have one as well with the right ID
  8. I found myself using these quite frequently (Sorry for terrible spelling) Speed mons Pidgey line, Meowth, Taurus att/speed, rattata/Raticate, Fearow/Spearow (Rooftop/Beryl Ward), Pikachu(rooftop post), Diglett, Dugtrio but not alolian Dugtrio, Ponyta/Rapidash rt. 1/Vahanan castle, Voltorb/electrobe shades gym Tailow chysolia forest headbutt Combee many trees by headbutt Elemental monkeys Bascullin (2), lumineon, finneon fishing rt 4, zebstrika, Heliolisk dessert 1sp a/1 speed Noibat, Novern, swoobat, woobat Espurr/meowstic peridot alley post 16 Sp. A Psyduck/Golduck Venomoth post 16 obsidia park /1 speed Oddish/gloom obsidia park/azurine Island Magnemite shades gym Eggecutors dessert Natu (Beryl Ward totom pole) Xatu cir de arc pre 16 Spinda crysolia forest Cherubi/cherim lower peridot ward Oricio Tarzan cove Minior teknite ridge 1 att/ 1sp a Mandibuzz dessert Chinglng under grandstairs Att Beedrill 2att/1 sp def Paras mal forest Parasect 2att/1def Mal forest post 16 Alolian Dugtrio dessert Mankey Slums Doduo/dotrio Beryl ward Goldeen/Seeking Pinsir/heracross rt 1 honey Spinarak/Ariados Poochyena line alleyways Nuzleaf/shiftry Mal forest post 16 Cacture dessert 1sp a Chatot crysolia trees Carnivine Jasper Ward Drillbur/excadrill Tarzan depths/scrapyard Tranquill illolia valley Darnanian standard dessert Escalliver Titania's gym Cubchoo/beartic Druddigan Titania's gym and rt 3? Pancham slums Hawlucha rt 2? Lycanrick dessert Dhelmise diving spots in azurine lake Golett baryl ward totem
  9. The egg is set once you pick it up so saving after the initial pick up won't change anything you MUST save before grabbing the egg and don't save until you have it hatched to what u want or feed it lots of ice cream and evolve it then breed till u get what nature and stuff you want or ask online many people breed them
  10. I still have a ditto you can have
  11. @Karna this thread is for wondertrades if you wish to set up s trade go through main forum or actually WT it for something @LostInTheSauce I think that would be a good idea for any decent ones remember we have a small community using WT so wouldn't do over a box of them or wait until the breeding guild does it's WT event . I'm sure that somebody will be happy to receive them
  12. For corin rouge "He will board a train heading to the desert and you will need to return to the police chief to report to him. After you get to the 1R253 Scrapyard you will battle Corin-Rouge for the final time. He will then give up and abandon Magikarp, which you will then get.)" This differs slightly depending on wether you chose to fight Taka or not... Believe if you choose to fight Taka he will be elsewhere in the desert first not 100% sure though because I choose not to fight him
  13. @Phlytosion last I seen smotchum was still being cornered by beartics in citrine* mountain across from shades gym that was a couple days ago with the ep 17 update @KindleofDreams yes it does work so long as you have clear weather
  14. In game munchlax has been move to calceleon city in the Pokemon center in exchange for qwilfish
  15. I can give u one tomorrow or day after if that's ok with you. If you find anther one before that just let me know
  16. @AlphaBran did u want a ditto I can give u one in a couple days @ my dad's house without my laptop so can't trade today have to wait till I go home
  17. Thank you for taking your time to reply to me
  18. Will this work with any other mod or is it a stand alone mod?
  19. you can get them in the department store now as well
  20. In episode 16 there was this thing known as sandbox that could generate any pokemon gen 1-6 then you could change the IV's the location of the place is Grand Hall? weather it just be hatches or generated there is how people get perfect/5IV's although some went and soft reset until they had their perfect one
  21. Try @Candy or zarcs trading thread both them breed it
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