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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Wont be home till anther 4h or so then I need time to round up a bunch in exchange
  2. Lol i like shiny mons with an OT other than my own for breeding it increases the odds for a shiny to be born
  3. Stunfisk, chinchou, bergmite, larvesta, shinx, furfrou, darmuraka?, litleo, spiritomb, omantyte, dendenne, swirlix, shuckle if nobody else claims them in about 8h or so
  4. In reborn or rejuvenation cause this thread of the forum is for reborn rejuvenation has its own else where on the server
  5. What all are you missing forgot which ones I gave you...
  6. Do you see it on thier list if not asume they don't have it the only ones who actively breed 6IVmons are the guild on request but many of them have a que of requests so you'll have to be patient. Will 5IVs not work? They will likely take less time to produce thus you would get them quicker. Breeders in general are busy I know a lot of our breeding community go to school and depending on where you are starts soon also there are a lot of us that have work. Generally if they have a list of available pokemon stick to it and assume everything else is off limits to ask for PS. Sorry @Candy and @Nakoles for the slight rant
  7. A good way to get 6ivs is to take either 2 6 IV mons with a destiny knot or a 6iv and a 5Iv parent with the 5iv holding a destiny knot and the 6IV'd one holding the power item for the missing one of the 5IV parent
  8. I might be able to help a bit myself I can do mostly water mons 1st through 3rd gen especially on weekends
  9. Zarc I will be sending you a file with torchic, chimchar and riolu for @Shadowsusanoo please trade them to him as I am poplar opposite time zones
  10. Gen 4 water pokemon any IVs i can give ypu one regardless tho so save your good mons
  11. To tag someone you do the @ symbol then a list of names shows up as you type choose one of the names then it automatically does the tag if done right it will be highlighted. I personally just quote Purple cause my phone or laptoo doesn't have the u needed for his name
  12. Ah okay no its about noon here am getting ready to do a request tho, my headache and sore throat seem to be calming down
  13. They never PM'd me so i gather they still are glad to have you back tho
  14. Just send me a PM with what you want item wise will try and repopulate dragons in your inventory
  15. If you want I have a bunch of spare mons later today/tomorrow I could trade you with popular asked items if you wanna make a list of stuff you want
  16. If you don't get what you want by tonight in about 10-12h I might be able to come online and give u a metagross although I have aron and beldum at level 1 cause I hatched a couple out
  17. If it happens again you can buy them in the department store i think it is floor 5 not overly sure tho
  18. No problem generally i tend not to mind if some one has two to four open but you had been opening one pretty much everyday
  19. You can edit the name of the title of the post to accommodate for changes of your wants since you haven't asked an admin or Ame to close your topics
  20. I have an azumarill if you want it tho its not anywhere close to 70 tho
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