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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. No problem. Hope you can get it though you won't be able to use it in online functions from my understanding
  2. Legendary Pokémon are not in the game yet. There is a way to get them however if you know someone with sandbox, have sandbox or through the request a mon for players interested in doing themed runs. I would suggest trying @Snowy Amine ( MC Kapper) through the breeders guild
  3. No problem @Shadowsusanoo back and the elekid does have cross chop
  4. No problem I will also tag an electivizer on it for you
  5. As i said might I will double check but I am not home right now and it should have at least 4 perfect IVs I know I have a shiny one at very least with 4 perfect IVs not too sure about criss chop however I believe it does
  6. I might have one for you if nobody else has one in about 6-8h
  7. @Ice Cream Sand Witch because your the only one I know off heart, this is in wrong section
  8. I can help you with the four remaining if you want i would have to make a couple eggs for them but id be able to in a few minutes get them done
  9. Going through my boxes and seperating extras did you want some of the better ones and shinies?
  10. It's okay I have 3 of itI had messed up when typing anyways keep it for someone else
  11. Totodile, maracatus, miltank, punkaboo, feebas, eggecute, tutwig, bergmite, sawk, duskull, chatot, electrike
  12. I can give you a beldum if you want just give me a private message when you want it or you can wait for candy I can help a few people if you want mine won't have the egg moves and whatnot but they will be 5IVs
  13. Try @Candy and @Nakoles or the breeding guild fir them
  14. Kinda in game it isn't yet unless your playing one of the various different versiobs however @Paul25 others and myself have them
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