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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. have no idea I'm getting ready to pass out though since it is getting late and my eyes seem to wish to fall closed for the night
  2. if wolfox doesn't provide you one by probably Monday evening I will give you one or if somebody else doesn't
  3. Sorry it's an egg but figured as long as it was a gastly it would be fine. Enjoy it should turn up with 5 or 6Ivs depending on how lucky you are
  4. I got the egg now if paul hasn't traded you one though
  5. I tagged wolfox cause he specializes in magikarp i have gastlys
  6. @Wolfox this person needs a karp I can give u a gastly if you give me a couple minutes to breed one Well @Paul25 looks like u got it
  7. I've had my game open with waiting with no such indications on anything. Sorry none of my devices show or make a sound when I get a notification. Should I try sending one to you? Sorry but thanks for the mons hope people enjoy those gals
  8. Okay give me a few to get back home just delt with neighbors pets on most part
  9. Pupitar, shiny politoed, octillery, seimitoed* Let me know when your onso that i can trade with u
  10. This is in the wrong section and should probably be in wasteland or somethinglike that@Ice Cream Sand Witch Though the pokemon game revolving around ashs trip is decent
  11. Nah it's cool I had a couple of those
  12. No problem. As I said enjoy and hope they help unfortunately I don't keep many spare males around otherwise I would of given you all males to help with passing of any egg moves
  13. Okay so bulba chaka squirtle torchic right brt i had needed to do something that had required my attention right away sorry @SamIAm here now
  14. I could give u the rest for free if you want
  15. Any of the ice cream products will make it friendly, blue moon is instant tho to max after used. No specific on wether it must be day or night however know a lot items and fainting the pokemon can have either positive or negative like smooth bell is positive where as rare/common candies are negative
  16. If you play hardcore mode you can have a pokemon randomizer and anything but ledgends are avaible to catch wild
  17. Id say nothing but unfortunately one must offer something in a trade whatever you want doesn't matter to me @Morgoth just signing into my computer will be on soon
  18. I can give you one later today in about 17h or so
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