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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Okay probably will be able tomorrow in about 21h @Surqrise I am on now, sorry been a long day
  2. well try not to let it kill you, I am for the majority also like this, helping when I can
  3. particularly right now I am bored but ultimately because you help people for free
  4. let me know if you need any helpp might send some axew eggs or something you way espically for dragons since they always seem popular would you like a sandbox ditto so you can breed a couple of your more popular requests
  5. It could be helpful in a cheap way especially with the focus item enveour and quick attack with max speed though nobody uses them
  6. Ah, some you don't get because you don't think other would want them? btw hope you give that gible to someone nice
  7. What all are you missing for dex entries can't be a whole lot of them?
  8. Yep figured it was a good way to give anyone through the thread a gible if they wanted one
  9. Good to know your there who is waiting on who your purple34 mine is Snorlax Also its unfortunately just so u know for future
  10. Here Cranidos and Cradiliy only if female if not don't worry about the last minute additions
  11. If your still on I suddenly had been called into work and had to rush out the door will be on for next hour or so
  12. I can get you axew egg if you want
  13. Shinies *=not released yet (random IVS) Pikachu, wigglytuff IV trained, grimer, hitmonlee/chan, Starmie, jynx, *dratini*, togepi, marill, slowking, *scizor*, houndour, tyrouge, hitmontop, magby, zigzagoon, aerodactyl, (carnivine), (swablu), (noctowl), (leavanny x2), (ariados), (zebstrika), (swoobat), (grumpig), (sawk), (sneasil), (zoroark), (honchkrow), (punkaboo), (*bagon*), (axew), (lunatone), (sudowoodo), (mawile), ambipom, meinshao, jellicent, alomomola, flabebe looks red, shieldon, chimchar, snivy, aron, (tepig), (zangoose), (noibat), (*bagon*), (numel), (minccino), (bunelby), (Spinda) Any 1st or second gen guaranteed 5IV mon
  14. Couple things any preference stat wise or shiny for shiny? Sorry ended up havingto go to work
  15. I try and tag you but i always turn up late to the party andways be on in 5mins @willemsk I have it now sorry ended up getting called in for work and had to leave right away
  16. I am going to see what all i have to offer in return, anythiin particular you looking for? Wanted Charmander (Flamethrower, Ancient Power, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse ) shiny Feebas (Haze, Mist ) non shiny if possible Scatterbug (Rage Powder ) shiny Budew (Extrasensory, Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Sleep Powder ) shiny Honedge shiny Froakie (Camouflage, Mind Reader, Toxic Spikes ) shiny
  17. I got one if @LykosHand or @willemsk you guys want one already going to trade one to purple34
  18. Sorry went out for a bit name something you don't have aside from legendaries
  19. ..... how about I give you an epic mon in return.... or something you don't have in your dex?
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