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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. My phone doesn't have that u like thing sadly and i tried to tag u earlier for something since you have a wide variety of mons thought u might of had scyrher or tini if the person was free when I am not
  2. I can also see Zarcs trading thread he might have some as as well and the breeding guild would have them
  3. Yeah you can even look in grafics/battlers like braulio did to confirm it
  4. You could also use sandbox which allows you to generate anything you want at any level though I suggest a lower level if bot the heart scale system for generated pokemon is kinda wonky it also allows for ev training and IV modification so you could have your perfect shiny team without egg moves tho
  5. I can trade you one i have extras just use something you don't care about for the trade if you want
  6. Munna shiny can evolve into weed version of musharna
  7. Its okay will be on and off throughout the day You on now @Xenoxblades?
  8. Lol XD been using randomizer to get pokemon in specific balls like event mons using cherish balls since they look pretty cool
  9. Yeah sure ill be on in an hour On now @Xenoxblades
  10. Before restoration you trade a bibarel and after its a rare encounter in the wastelands
  11. I know but expecting to have to leave and idk when I would be on next thanks @Paul25 lol keep trying to put ypur trade name for your forum name Paul
  12. @Paul25 I think they mean is it possible to get the eevee with the weather mod and if it isn't they were asking if someone could trade them a female eevee however I noted they aren't very far into the game so they would want someone to teade them one do you have any extra female Eevees? I'm out of female ones only got male ones otherwise I would of offered one
  13. How up to date are you if you haven't updated to 16.1 or 16.2 you could teleport back into coral ward/Peridot ward and fish for one
  14. Must be night time and windy and in chrysolia forest which is a long ways away also this should be under online play since your going to want someoneto trade you one you'll get more replys there
  15. Harcore reborn has a randomizer that you can catch anything but ledgendaries and yes you could also there is Sandbox but that doesn't allow online trading
  16. Ones tht don't meet your requirements like wrong nature or Ivs in the wrong place or not enough IVs
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