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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. They become wild post restoration in the game if S.Pauls video doesn't work for you
  2. Thinking of starting a run on reborn for fun Looking for suggestions I was thinking Flying or bird egg group but are there any others that haven't been seen some love that or a mysterydungeon starters run
  3. I send out my breeding rejects in wondertrade and cool shinies anything I get I generally release unless it has an egg move or decent Ivs
  4. If you need any items let me know and I'll see what I have. Like your run XD
  5. You can finf one in the chrysolia springs theres a youtube video for the puzzle even, the fang should be fairlt easy to get
  6. Prtilil must be sunny/harsh Sunlight during day and Squirtle u talk to the guy to initiate it during a rainy weather but the catching takes place with clear weather
  7. Ah let me know if you need anything and I will give u it with decent IVs and if you really want a couple egg moves
  8. Did you want a bunch of Good IVs eevees then with the stones? So excited for the new eeveelution
  9. Do you have a sylveon I can trade for I can trade it right back if u want You excited for the new eeveelution in Pokemon LIquid and Solid?
  10. If you want I'm looking through my boxes and rounding up shinies I could pass a bunch of those on instead though those Zwelious and Tyrunt have good IVs
  11. Thank you hopefully people like what I gave u in return sorry for so many Zwelious and Tyrunts
  12. blaziken? or was there one nicknamed Brasegali? I will assume you want Umbreon back
  13. Am I bringing enough pokemon to cover all them or just trade the 6 then trade them back? On now shall I or u request?
  14. Ill get on in a couple mins just kinda waking 5:51am here How we doing this?
  15. Torcoal is in the bottom of the volcano off of aphophyl beach u have to use rocksmash to get it i have one if u still need one tho
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