Might be able to help with a few of them ralts, larvesta, skiddo (maybe), rufflet (maybe), Rotom. How for are u in the game as Slowpoke is catchable with a super rod
Save before hitting the 2 vendors and every 20-25 times if you don't get one reset or on a rare occasion the lady just outside grandhall that sells ice cream straight out sells them on goid days
Has anyone thought of going through the pokedex to find general locations first also the hide and seek Pokémon all seemed to have at least alternate locations to finding them or out right changed for episode 16
I know if you renovate azurine Island you can find Bulbasaur wild same with Pinsir, Heracross and you get chimchar and Chikorita* through events there after its restoration
Most of the police men possible egg pokemon are now catchable like Staryu and Tentacool
Magnemite and staryu can be found in wild if u fish of the coral ward I know u can get staryus and in shades gym for Magnemites, not really a breeder but figured it might help you
Sorry to hear that, what item do u get from it or do u know?
I don't know if I did the quest or not but if I did I could pass u a save file and you could trade the item to yourself
I could get u one in a few minutes I have a wigglytuff I could breed
Actually I have one now my user is snorlax just trade my something u don't need just let me know when u want it will be online for anther 2h then I have to do some housework
You can only jave legit pokemon in your party if not u can't wondertrade check availability list if a pokemon is in question
it' under trade in the pokegear
In episode 13 or so reborn city gets renovated to look pretty but at the end of episode 16 you can choose to fund a renovation and it opens a couple events and whatnot depending on which u choose