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Starry Knight

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I can offer some of these Chikorita, Treecko, Snivy, Torchic, Chimchar, Gastly, Magikarp in exchange I would like a goomy egg please I can breed them all for you but they won't have great stats tho if you do get traded a Bagon an Axew a dratini a gible or a larvitar an offspring may I please get an egg from them past that
  2. I can breed you a starly if you don't care about EV's/IV's
  3. That's okay, noticed when trading you had a dieno in your party how did you get it?
  4. Ready, ended up hatching the egg while waiting for a reply Online for when you are ready out of curiosity what time is it there? it's roughly 10:30 where I am
  5. Slowpoke is a very rare chance on a super rod only from what I've had experience with but he is on route 4 if you still need him pm me and I could breed you one
  6. Do you have a cast of mawhile I could have, I don't care about IV's particularly none of the Pokémon I have have more than 2 IV's most of them have none or 1 if any but I have a shiny Noibat with a single 31 IV if so I am available tomorrow 9am EST time name is Snorlax
  7. That's where goomy is I think to get the key Awesomeness you can trade eggs
  8. Yep sorry it takes awhile on reborn to retype the username and password for me, I have a sticky keyboard THANK YOU this will be an awesome surprise for my partner whose file this belongs to. Out of curiosity are you at end of ch 16 if so which place did u chose to reno? looking for goomy possibly I know he wants the island renovated
  9. next time it happens did u want me to send the request to see if it makes any difference?
  10. Sorry it froze in middle with waiting thing
  11. Okay thanks will try to remember that Eggs are all done hatching
  12. I'd like a pair of them please I have a shiny noibat for atleast one of them and I could try and get something you request won't be perfect or 5iv tho
  13. Have them ready sorry, took longer than expected but everything is ready now most are eggs tho pen name is Snorlax
  14. Sorry just got home from work and found out my save didn't save should be ready in an hour or so
  15. Okay if could could let me know what u want in return just in case I have to breed them or get them myself that would be nice also to set them aside
  16. Anything is fine but if you have a starter pokemon egg that would be awesome if not oh well Sorry Snorlax is my username thought I put it in
  17. anything in particular u want in return?
  18. Out of your list I would be interested to trade for Charmander, Torchic, Gastly, Froakie, Magikarp, Snivy, Larvesta am open to discussion of what you want in return I have no problem breeding or giving up a few shinies in exchange
  19. I would like one as well if you would be willing to breed me one
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