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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Missing Gardevoir Front and Beedrill backs Would put them beside them with note above the sprite in particular not everyone has rejuv
  2. You need to find and interest with 3 of the oasis without leaving the main dessert spot the oasis move everytime u find it There is only one oasis but if can spawn in any one of those four spots Tower spawns in sets of 3 or it should
  3. I don't get to visit as much anymore sorry everyone Life has picked up Mostly on Discord when home passively which trying to catch up on other stuff, mostly pop in to see if anyone in troubleshooting needs help I generally don't take sides tho Hmm maybe a certain someone from the unown will appear
  4. Nope if u didn't do the quest you'll have to trade for one, wait for one in next episode maybe or be traded a happiny
  5. I tend to do that once and awhile But it always gets flooded back with 'route 1' stuff
  6. I don't need anything special just something I can release 10am to 12pm EST would be ideal or 10.45pm to 11:30pm EST weekdays and Sat any time after 12pm est to 11pm Sunday works as well
  7. Not Candy but hope seeing me is just as sweet Silver u there?
  8. Yeah same way My user is Snorlax
  9. This should help https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/23108-online-information-topic/ Let me know when works for you, I am est timezone
  10. Donut still need help if so anytime tomorrow after 4pm est till about 10pm I am free
  11. If you still need help I can help u tomorrow anytime after 4pm EST
  12. only one not obtainable is Whismur if u forget to breed loudred or get it before julia or azurill if u sell sea inseance or forget to grab it as azumarill is on upper parts of route four
  13. The stuff u get along the way to completing it is nice tho
  14. doesn't quite but it pushes it enough on a base level that can be considered 'max'
  15. Ice creams also help but about 20 pokesnax
  16. Hi hi :) Hope everyone is doing well Ame gonna drop by?
  17. I sent a request I can trade u one, not sure if got 100% or not
  18. Was just gonna release it, feels bad man, 4 perfect IVs and shiny Have a good day/night
  19. Anything u don't want, will be released
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