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Starry Knight

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Cool I can do now, my user is: Snorlax I'll be on waiting
  2. I can trade you both one Sunday or Will be here for a few hours on and off if you wanna find me on DIscord that's chill as well
  3. Yeah that guy is Depending on gang it alters a bit which one u choose?
  4. u know where u buy the pokemon? or where the nature changer is?
  5. That solved apop and construction as well?
  6. Yep try fighting Maxie in lower side room that might activate the ability to do it
  7. So have you bought Cadbury at her house and gotten both rain dance and Sunny day?
  8. Join the reborn one from main page and contact me that way I guess the 'link' I have on mine is my username to initiate direct messages with if you don't share a server then you have to friend request them Reborn server is basically only sever I am on Will be on from 2pm till party end will keep forums open to get any notification tho
  9. 42 hope your all having fun Hope to see some of y'all tomorrow at the Reborn party
  10. The Reborn one or u trying to use my discord user as a server? My individual user is on my profile
  11. Do you have discord if so my user for it it on my profile In around when u posted your message was 12:30pm for me If u can be on an hour earlier can set an alarm for the trade for Friday Am busy most of afternoon Saturday with the reborn party and have plans for morning to drop Christmas things off to people as gatherings are no more then 6 people currently
  12. Yeah Have done hiker one a couple times on different saves He kinda wonders around the fountain area in lower peridot ward, idk if thier are other prerequisites tho
  13. I can trade u one between 10am EST and 12:30PM EST give or take or after work if I remember Feel free to take any other offers You can also go back in saves to before you traded it away if you wanted to Or if u want to post your save I can edit one in at my own leisure
  14. where u find her underwater in the city it is there
  15. It is available, can confirm there is a hiker that gives u it, tthe one that ups speed by sets u into a move isn't available normally tho there is a glitch u can use to get the items
  16. there is a second one in Argate CITY as well as a hidden item
  17. Pretty sure yeah which was pre renovation only
  18. I can trade you one if you want but the ones I have are generated in using debug
  19. There is currently only one yes the one you get has different trainer OT tho
  20. That's fine Depending on when they are on it looks like you have a closer time period to theirs right now
  21. 7, 31,31,2,16,31 31,31,31,22,26,31 though I just realized they are silvally not null
  22. I have a spare one from a backup I can trade as well if u would prefer that u keep yours or I can trade u it to replace the one u gave away
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