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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Exp all is not an official thing in reborn, however the is a mod that allows for Exp all, I hope this answers your question.
  2. Found this and thought of you



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      I don't follow the anime so I have no idea what you're talking about. I lost interest in around Unova region anime, absolutely can't stand new style though

    3. J-Awesome_One


      Long story short, he and Jessie are competing in the Alolan League.

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      nice, that's different

  3. Happy birthday. Hope you have fun today and have a great day

  4. I have miserable luck can't make it past 5th level
  5. You can get a free Lucky egg in late game, that I believe is false info
  6. Mudkip get damp as it's hidden ability or torrent
  7. Wtf, just seen a cotton candy burrito....

    1. SilverAngelus
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Wonder if @Candy has seen them

    3. Candy


      I've seen something similar when I look at the mirror 

  8. @Xevel I do have pokémon from that line. I cannot currently trade for roughly anther 4h probably but am free tomorrow
  9. That is correct you would need to be traded a Ninetails for before Aya they are late game
  10. Look at the field notes for the field it legitimately tells you how to change the field Or use one of the terrain moves like Misty terrain or electric terrain also correct me if I'm wrong but can't you use two pledges and it will change the field it 100% tho
  11. If you could have any availability in the Pokemon universe which would you have and why? I would choose Cloud Nine, I don't do overly well in heat or coldness so I feel as if this would be the perfect for me
  12. Yeah you can ask on either of our trade threads or PM either one of us Menu - Pokegear - online play - Login & Password - trade If you don't have a username you'll need to make one then depending on who your trading reach an agreement on who waits and who requests @Eigengrau if you have the mon today that they requested then you do the trade. I'm not available till late tonight or tomorrow at latest
  13. Alright, I used to use a dry erase board and try and solve it myself, wasn't very good at it though though my brother uses playing cards and paper and pencil. He'll flip the cards he thinks are voltorbs working backwards to solve it
  14. I'll dig out mine sometime this weekend XD. Emerald was first Pokemon game so I loved the remake of Sapphire and Ruby. I'll edit mine when I have the QR code for it
  15. There's a website that helps calculate odds of Voltorb flips if you want me to send a link?
  16. Wonder trade. Was on June 28th I like doing them every once and a while
  17. I have a couple of good dragon leftovers from the WT event. Unfortunately will have to wait till tomorrow at a friend's house till late tonight
  18. Okay Eigengrau has it then
  19. I can give you one in egg form. Hatched Pokemon have a higher happiness when born (trading resets it to zero), feed it some Pokesnax/icecream and you'll have it in no time
  20. Wasn't sure a lot of people missed it. Anyways aon marill or azurill attach it
  21. Hidden abilites are super common, there are a couple ability capsules early game as well
  22. You need to breed it unfortunalty, you need sea incense I can trade you an Azurill if you want.
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