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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. no problem have a good day/night PM/DM if you need anything else
  2. Do you want thuderbolt yes or no? if so what move should be replaced it's asking me if it wants to learn the move since it gets it upon evolution
  3. no problem you find them all the time on the ground that's why i had asked for one, don't need one just easier, training some new mons I wanted to try out and they are low leveled @Xevel do you want tbolt?
  4. Yeah I can, please attach a rare candy so I can evolve it quickly if you have one rather then a heart scale
  5. Yes but not till late game, at least pretty sure we have the mega stone. Need to beat water gym leader before you can even consider Mega evolving stuff and sure, Attach a rare Candy to it please so I don't have to waste time trying to get an encounter to fight
  6. You need to make sure that you don't have an ill fated doll
  7. No, I'm good unless you had a spare Heart Scale IVs, there no EV training on it
  8. No, the only thing I know that affects it would be Sandbox and maybe Commanders Redux mod
  9. No problem really, what's your user just need a moment to switch files
  10. I have a newly born grubbin, your not that far off of evolving it either, You need Luna's key thing and you can evolve it before battling her
  11. you didn't really say where you are in game so here's the pokemon that get the move by level up Munna - Peridot Ward for Bidoof evolution Oddish - Obsidia Park, Malchous Forest, Beryl Ward Natu - Beryl Ward through cave area in cemetery Corsola - Thunderstorm Apophyl beach north end Smoothum - Below Power Plant (Shades GYm) in cave Cherubi Lower Peridot in garden Clefairy Argate City Flababe Route 1 Forest step on flowers need Floral Charm Level 8 Department store for lens
  12. Starry Knight


    Need Amarias gym done Is in Grandhall immediately to right (below pokemart section) need 7th St Pokemon well 5 of them anyways. Loudered, Vanilite, makuhita, jigglypuff, roggenrola
  13. XD looks good Night club is coming along nicely
  14. Your welcome to private message me for anything or check out our black market for anything you need If you don't care about IVs and stuff just list the Pokemon you want in the black market and one of us 8 will respond using PM/DM Pokemon quest wise they aren't that bad, some are just kinda annoying
  15. No problem XD, have a good day/night. I assume your one of my people trying to get everything yourself without having to trade?
  16. @Vinnie I can zoom out and make it like a phone screen size and screenshot the entire map inked where there are items?
  17. Starry Knight


    Do you have the mega ring?
  18. I can screen shoot the rpg maker data of the map and stich it together for u if you want? Have been procrastinating on doing it as it's massive but I can do it now if you wish
  19. ok I have one I think for you if not will only need a moment to breed one
  20. It is not assuming it's a reborn field
  21. Starry Knight


    route 4 for sure also Ametrine City grass
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