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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. The guy should be in the corner that you first come in off off but there have been known issues with this quest and completeing it after, see if he was moved down a level. Go ahead and renovate it then check to see if he shows up if not your probably going to have to upload your game.rxdata to troubleshooting or I could attempt to fix it through PM?DM if you would prefer that way
  2. Then check the Obsidia Ward PC
  3. where you first encountered the train keep going down you'll need rock smash and want flash
  4. Have a good day/night If it applies to Happy 4th of July
  5. Alright I'll request now then
  6. To those whom it applies to Happy 4th of July

  7. Is it just me or is reborn taking forever to load?

    1. SilverAngelus


      Same here

      The site is half on vacation since it's the 4th of July

    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Ah. makes sence. still kinda disappointing to wait 3-5 min sometimes for it to load 

    3. seki108
  8. Tag me when your on SHould respond fairly quickly though probably between 5-7:30 somwhere in there will be going to the gym
  9. Tomorrow around when you first posted this topic I'll be on Male or female Frillish I'll breed a marill since you'd prefer an in trained one
  10. I have the remaining starters, Tentacruel/cool, Seel, Horsea, Shellder, Lapras, Azumarill, corsola, Wailmer, Gastrodon, Frillish/Jellicent, Omanyte, Kabuto, Carracosta, Barbaracle, Starmie, Slowking, Toxipex, Walrien Any of these you can have, some are ev trained if don't want one that is let me know
  11. Who all do you have so I can avoid doubles? I have a few you can have
  12. @Eigengrau @BlackUser try to tag or quote the person your trying to talk to, it pops a notification to them
  13. I will take this request I ask if you have any focus sash, heart scales or valuables I can have to trade one or two of those to me in that particular order Let me know availability in EST hours please. Your also welcome to PM with them
  14. Wrong section, if your looking for trades please post in online play I might be able to trade you one, private message when your available and in what timezone. I'll be up for roughly 12h
  15. The Pokemon itself is determined when the game is made The only thing possible to change is the IVs and egg moves by saving it before you pick up the egg hatch it then check the IVs
  16. @Driftwood you can check using a Pokemon with frisk Under Rainbow challenge https://pokemon-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Agate_Circus
  17. 4% anytime of day Field needs to say The field is a shroud with trees OR Adieu to disappointment and spleen when first entering combat
  18. I mean we did it first The 8th Street black market, but we respond generally using PMs most are custom breeds and are done within a day some are even EV trained Nobody has really gone out of there way to thank us on the main post though they do so in private
  19. @ZheLian I will be on briefly when I get home, however Idk when that will be currently but I have a shiny Eevee for you when are you on roughly?
  20. Will you be on in like 3h?
  21. Starting now XD will be doing bug types first
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