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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Pretty sure need to be in buildings as well not 100% on that though it's been awhile since I did the guilde
  2. Check her friends house in Peridot
  3. @Eigengrau or they could of used multi quote which is in the bottom left it's the little plus sign
  4. Underwater cities is a very low chance though being 1-5% chance forget exactly how low it was
  5. I'm EST I can can do generally anytime after 12PM EST on weekends but if @Eigengrau time zone and hours work better for you I will let them trade you what you need
  6. I can help you out, most of those are mid to late game I would prefer non shiny pokemon that aren't good just going to release everything anyways
  7. You can get Meditate in the academy or gothita in Beryl Library Murkrow is in aqua alley way in lapis ward Aron if you have headbutt or mawile or skorupi in the underground rail net
  8. Gothitelle has the ability frisk It automatically checks for an item so you know for 100% that it has the item meaning you can either use a move to quickly knock out the Pokemon if it doesn't to gain exp/EVs or run and save time and moves
  9. I can get you times of day and percentages if you need for the Pokemon The item guide has every item possible to find by area, I have a few maps with markings on them where they they are visually shown as well if you want what I have done?
  10. @Mettatex you can quote mulitiple people using the plus button in the bottom left corner of each of the comments you want to quote XD That's fine thought it might help since it's easy to use/do
  11. Happy Birthday complete and utter stranger, I liked your profile name so here we are XD

    1. Bowser


      Thank you very much, I havent been around for quite some time now but I appreciate the interest ^_^

  12. I don't know about how to fix it but if you start with a clean version and download this Mod for Reborn it hastens the egg hatching https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/35122-speedbreed-e181-updated-20180816/
  13. No problem keep the Lurantis for the quest later to use it as sacrifical bait for repopulating the island you need a male and a female one and a male and female semisage
  14. Do you want Itsy Biisty Spider back? I will probably not keep it
  15. Just one Item is fine, I don't really care too much but the money more goes towards breeding funds Ready when you are I wil request
  16. If you have a spare big nugget or something of value you can spare it would be appreciated
  17. No problem give me a couple minutes and if you want I can trade you one I have a few from when I was breeding Pokemon with baby forms since most those evolve by happiness, blue moon pretty much maxes happiness
  18. All ice cream venders have a chance of selling it For the one by the grand hall it needs to be sunny for it to spawn Any of the venders with people that sell ice cream each time you talk to them there is like 1-5% chance for them to sell it for 20 000P The machines that sell ice cream after buying about 45-50 ice cream of one type conservatively one should pop if one doesn't soft reset It really just depends on luck Alternatively you could run a pickup team to try to get some Here is a link to pickup table
  19. @Driftwood heart scales aren't gareentee you can check the exact percentages on Bulbapedia or in the item guide I believe I would have something with compound eyes up front fainted then have a Pokemon with frisk I suggest gothitelle myself Compound eyes out of battle effect is to make Pokemon holding items appear more often
  20. Doing what? and please don't necropost in the future anything that is more then 3 months old is considered necroposting
  21. Let me know when u find it, check after major fights
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