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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Wigglytuff can be found on route 4 and breed Or if your still on in about 3h I will trade you one
  2. https://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41661-item-guide-v18-void-kissed/ During the day in the renovated Peridot ward where the factory you tagged up with Fern was there are 2 brothers in the top left corner should be available no later then after Adrienne
  3. Let me know if you want me to middle man, I can be on when they have been posting or see if they post thier save for the shared PC cause I assume you have it if not I do and can send you 2 mooks and move them in myself Ps I stole one of your trades they wanted Ditto and Piopole
  4. No problem I was having issues with notifications as well so figured I'd try and help you I have one I can grab off a backup since I have one for myself with decent IVs thats shiny if you need one
  5. @MegaRekhytX it procs the notification. I have my settings set so whenever I post a comment it notifies me unless I manually take off follow it seem to work better that way then if I just manually follow
  6. Are you still accepting teams? Was thinking of submitting a couple theme teams for the fun of it
  7. Shared PC You clear your last box in the PC then upload your file Alternatively you can use a mod to generate them like sandbox or aronfairs mod both are easy to install and remove just remember in Aronfairs you have to enable it through options menu
  8. @MegaRekhytX try tagging or quoting the person it generally works better if you need instructions on how to tag let me know
  9. Speed breed you have alt on and as they hatch it shows the sprite then you can nickname as for static encounters unless you have to battle it currently there isn't a way
  10. Oh sweet Raphtalia, looks super hot in her bathing suit

  11. Understandable, myself I am just dissappointed, I wouldn't mind if they took the extra year or so even to incorporate all the older pokémon, it's one of my favorite things, that you could do a new game with your favorite old team or choose to use new Pokemon or do a mixed style Or work on a patch to allow the older pokémon that aren't programmed in yet to be in game or be allowed to be in game
  12. Nah that's okay if you wanna keep it Have remaining three ready for you
  13. I can breed the other 3 in a couple minutes I have parents for them but not on this file if you want me to breed them real quick first get these four no items needed for the remaining of them
  14. plusle, minun, and the forsaken spirit tomb are the only 3 I don't have pre breed so next is a set of 4, do you need any of your pokemon back, would be nice to get Luna back if your not going to use it
  15. I'm back sorry it took so long WIll you be waiting? I tried requesting keeps saying your offline @marteloafricano
  16. My user is Snorlax I'll brt just finishing microwaving some food
  17. No specific mons are needed if you have a spare focus sash or heart scales or something along the lines of that it would be appreciated though Will some evolved form of these Pokemon work?
  18. I have most of those already breed so I can help you now if you want
  19. NOt really it's about being able to bring your old pokemon forward for me, Imagine not being able to have/bring your favourite pokemon Arbok to the game or anther pokemon you like that isn't avalable in the Galar region you wouldn't be able to have it or use it I enjoy the prosess of collecting them all, they have made it impossible to do so for every single one of them which is what sadens me.
  20. Our cat is annoying


    Keeps jumping up on me, he is almost 25lbs so it hurts and he digs in with claws don't know how to stop him though

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      I generally sleep right on the edge of the bed he can see me but chooses to jump up anyways, I tend to sleep on edge cause we share a bed and it barely fits us both. He never used to do this, it just started about 1-2 months ago

    3. ZEL


      Ah yeah, finding the right toy for your cat can be a hassle. A lot of cats love pointers and the rods, but of course there's tons of other options to explore. (I can make Pepp happy just by wiggling a belt like a snake, zzz).
      If he's a rather young cat then he may also just Be Like That for a bit, they all have that age where they are full of energy especially if they're intact.
      But in any case, if he is jumping you and clawing at you you'll be wanting to positively redirect that energy elsewhere. If he shreds toys a lot, it at least sounds like he has the motivation 😄 If you can get him into a routine he might even get used to waiting for his designated playtime the same way he'd wait for food.

      Alternatively he might have to be kept out of the room until a specific time of the day, though this is only really a useful option if his jumping is because he wants to sleep on you/the bed, and not for attention.

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      @ZEL he is rather old being near 10 years of age

      He only really plays when things are doused in catnip or that have a dangling feeling to them as far as we have tried though he also seems to be having fun recently in small doses of tissue paper falling on him. When on the bed he is constantly nudging you, he won't cuddle nor will he lay down long enough to attempt sleeping I try petting him for 5-10 minutes which I think is a good length especially so early in the morning but I also can't close my door as he can open it anyways as the latch doesn't quite work also our room is the one with the AC for upstairs

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